Lusaka calls on the incoming Senate to make impeachment legislation a top priority

Lusaka expressed disappointment to Senators in his final communication to them before the Senate adjourned indefinitely, saying that the Senate under his leadership had been unable to complete the Impeachment Procedure Bill.

The Speaker, who is running for governor of Bungoma, remarked that it is critical for MPs to solve legal and governance vulnerabilities that were highlighted during the impeachment of governors Granton Samboja, Anne Waiguru, Mohamed Abdi Mohamud, Ferdinard Waititu, and Mike Sonko.

The approval of the third basis for revenue allocation among county governments was a highlight of Lusaka’s stint as Senate President, he said, adding that presiding over the arguments was difficult.

The Senate Speaker thanked the MPs for their cooperation and wished them well as they hit the campaign trail ahead of the August 9 General Elections.

The Senators will now join their National Assembly colleagues who have already adjourned indefinitely to allow members to retreat to their areas for campaigns.

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