In response to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s demands that Russia be labeled as a “sponsor of terrorism,” French President Emmanuel Macron remarked that he does not “share such a philosophy.”

“As for the question of qualifying as a sponsor of terrorism, I want to be understood correctly. France does not share such a methodology, because we always strive to be guided by a legal approach,” Macron said Tuesday at a press conference following the G7 summit in Germany.
In response to inquiries about when the conflict in Ukraine may end, the French president voiced optimism that it would do so before the year was out.
“I hope the outcome will be reached by the end of the year,” he said.
At the same time, Macron stressed that “no one can be sure that hostilities will end in the coming weeks or months.” The French leader said that the G7 countries “will continue to impose sanctions against Russia and support Ukraine.”