In a suspected strike by Ukraine, a major Russian air base in Yeysk was hit by massive explosions deep behind Moscow’s frontlines. Russian war channel Rybar admitted to the hit on Telegram, stating that it was carried out by a Ukrainian long-range Tu-141 Strizh drone. Ukrainian sources also claimed responsibility for the strike at the military airfield in Krasnodar region, and a picture that appeared showed an explosion. Locals reported two loud explosions and black smoke was seen billowing from the airfield, which is a base for strike aircraft used against Ukraine in Vladimir Putin’s war.
Russian officials have denied the strike, but residents of Yeysk reported that something exploded twice, and there was fire. According to Rybar channel, the Tu-141 Swift UAV was struck down, but none of the aircraft were hit. The scale of damage in Yeysk remains unclear, but among the warplanes stationed at the airfield are Sukhoi Su-34 bombers.
This week, Ukraine has increased its attacks on Russia, and on Tuesday, the airspace around St Petersburg was abruptly closed after a flying object, suspected to be a long-range drone, was reported in the vicinity. Although nothing was found, attacks were also reported on Belgorod, Tuapse, and the Republic of Adygea.
The Russian authorities have failed to agree on the cause of the explosions in Yeysk, which is on the Sea of Azov. One account said grass was being burned, while another from local official Roman Bublik stated that there had been military drills. Yet another report stated that nothing had happened. Despite the lack of consensus, with a high degree of probability, attempts on the Russian air base are expected to continue.
»Major Russian air base in Yeysk is hit by massive explosions«
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