Man obstructs a police speed camera van in Maidstone, Kent, to save speeding drivers

This is the moment a reckless driver was captured on camera perched on top of his vehicle in front of a police camera van, protecting oncoming vehicles from being pulled over and fined for speeding.

Driver Dennis Richardson captured the man blocking the speed camera in Maidstone, Kent, on Sunday, July 17.

The man was seen unassumingly sitting on the roof of a grey Nissan and waving at oncoming traffic.

Before the police van and the man are visible in the video, roofer Mr. Richardson can be seen driving down the street.

As Mr. Richardson sails by, the man, who is dressed in shorts, a red vest, a bucket hat, sunglasses, and a bucket hat, gives him the thumbs up.

Since then, the video on Tiktok has had over 65,000 views, and the man has been praised as a “absolute legend” who “deserves a medal.”

The automobile and the man are positioned with the recognisable white police van obscuring the camera’s view of oncoming traffic only a foot away.

On Monday, July 18, Mr. Richardson uploaded the video on TikTok, where it immediately gathered a following. More than 2,000 users have loved the video, and hundreds have applauded the man’s efforts.

He “deserves a medal,” according to one, and “He saved someone’s life doing that, someone who only had £100 left in the bank,” according to another.

Not all heroes wear capes, a third retorted.

Doing the Lord’s job, according to the fourth.

Another viewer, though, chimed in: “Absolute LEGEND.”

Yesterday, Mr. Richardson said: “We had to turn around and video it.

I was literally going up the road with my son when he was there, stopped in front of the speed camera.

God is aware of his length of stay. I chuckled and said, “That’s brilliant.”

He was just sitting on the roof, glad to be there, waving at everyone as they passed.

“I’ve heard about people parking their vehicles, vans, and lorries in front of them,” someone said.

Jack Curton, a retiree, was fined £400 in 2021 for obstructing a speed camera van twelve times.

The 63-year-old man who was using a mobility scooter alleged that vans were impermissibly blocking his access to sidewalks.

Then he decided to use walking sticks to deactivate mobile speed cameras.

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