Unwind Mind has closed its pre-seed investment round, raising Rs. 2 crore at a valuation of Rs. 15 crore, with strategic investors such as Yogesh Chaudhary and Marwari Catalysts participating.
Sushil Sharma, Founder and CEO, Marwari Catalysts, and Surendra Rajpurohit, Founder and CEO, Unwind Mind is a direct-to-consumer (D2C) enterprise that aims to penetrate the D2C fashion market.
Furthermore, the business will use the funds to help it enter and dominate the D2C fashion super-specialized segment.
The D2C ecosystem in India is rapidly expanding as a result of reasons such as an increase in first-time internet users and changing consumer expectations, which include a willingness to try new items and a preference for personalized and direct interactions with marketers.
Surendra Rajpurohit, Founder & CEO of Unwind Mind, adds in this regard, “Due to multiple successful startups, India’s D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) business has been booming, and the sector is on track to reach a $100 billion addressable market by 2025. Furthermore, the epidemic has highlighted the importance of a direct-to-consumer (D2C) business model.
As a result, horizontal and vertical e-commerce players, social media marketing, and logistical possibilities have emerged.” “Furthermore, we expect a lot of consolidation in the D2C ecosystem in the future years, as Millennials come up with incredible ideas that are poised to disrupt the established industry.
Unwind Mind’s mission is to transform the direct-to-consumer (D2C) space by expanding promising D2C companies with the help of tech assistance and industry knowledge.”
Sharing his thoughts on the nascent D2C ecosystem, “Our experience in consumer tech has been spectacular after two portfolio startup acquisitions in consumer-tech categories in the past one year, and we were quite enthusiastic about the industry,” says Sushil Sharma, Founder & CEO of Marwari Catalysts.
He goes on to say, “New business models have become viable as a result of the powerful Internet ecosystem and evolving client acquisition techniques, leading to the birth of the direct-to-consumer (D2C) distribution channel. India is seeing a surge in direct-to-consumer brands across all categories, and the sector is likely to grow dramatically in the coming years.
Furthermore, we anticipate significant levels of investment engagement in this domain, which will increase over time as more successful D2C outcomes confirm the notion for fresh capital deployment.”
Yogesh Chaudhary, the founder of Jaipur Rugs and an investor in Unwind Mind, said of the venture, “With the massive D2C disruption, India is clearly making an impact.
With the pandemic hastening digital transformation and sparking the D2C/eCommerce tipping point, Indian startups now have a larger field to expand their customer base through digital penetration, followed by a diversified yet solution-based product portfolio.”
“The D2C market in India’s potential will only expand,” he continues, “and Unwind Mind is well-positioned to properly exploit this industry while helping brands scale.” The path to self-improvement. The exponential rise of the D2C business model over time is exciting.
We expect D2C enterprises to gain traction this year, with specialist segments developing, new entrants, and positive investor investments. D2C brands will continue to thrive in the future, with major brands opening digital-first divisions. As the industry advances, technology and creativity will become increasingly important in creating memorable brands.