Mayor Bruce Harrell seeks four new members to serve on the Pike Place Market Historical Commission. The open positions are: 1) One architect, 2) One merchant of the Market, and 3+4) Two residents of the Historical District.
The Pike Place Market Historical Commission is a quasi-governmental body established by Seattle residents when they voted to preserve the Market in 1971. The Commission reviews applications for design and use changes throughout the nine-acre Pike Place Market Historical District.
The Commission consists of 12 members appointed by the Mayor with confirmation by Seattle City Council. The Mayor selects the following members to serve on the Commission:
- two representatives from a list submitted by Friends of the Market,
- two representatives from a list submitted by Allied Arts of Seattle,
- one individual from a list submitted by the Pike Place Market Historical Commission,
- two architects,
- one owner of property within the Historical District,
- two merchants of the Market, and
- two residents of the Historical District.
Commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month; only one meeting is scheduled during November and December. Meetings take place starting at 4:30pm at the Pike Place Market. Virtual meeting participation is also available.
If interested in being considered, send a letter of interest and resume by October 18, 2022 to:
(Please reference Pike Place Market Historical Commission and position name in the subject line)
Electronic submissions are preferred, if possible. To submit a paper copy, mail to: Minh Chau Le, Historic Preservation Program, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, PO Box 94649, Seattle, WA 98124-4649.
The Pike Place Market Historical Commission is coordinated by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Program. The program is responsible for the designation and protection of more than 450 historic structures, sites, objects, and vessels, along with eight historic districts located throughout the city.