Team Sayari, a National Geographic series aimed at celebrating the environment, is set to premiere Saturday 24 September. The series will feature a few African youngsters including Mzansi’s Atule Mazane, Khahliso Khojane and Thandolwethu Fani. These three kids will light up the screen with their passion for wildlife and the environment.
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Every week on Team Sayari, the group of young presenters will connect with National Geographic explorers and trailblazers in the conservation, science, nature, wildlife and environment fields. The young explorers will report to their base camp, Sayari Base Camp in Kenya with what they have learned.
The series will educate its young viewers in hopes to create the next generation of young environmentalists. In the first episode of the show, the youngsters will learn about single use plastic and how it is harmful to marine life.
Team Sayari is set to premiere on National Geographic (DStv Channel 182) on 24 September at 13:00.
Atule Mazane is the first South African presenter who will feature on Team Sayari. Hailing from the Western Cape, the 13-year-old is fascinated by wildlife and loves learning about different species. Mazane enjoys gardening and taking care of his plants and is also a skilful soccer player.
Khahliso Khojane, who also hails from the Western Cape is passionate about environmental conservation. The 14-year-old recently volunteered for the Global Volunteer Initiative (GVI) project in Limpopo and was part of an international research team that assisted in wildlife conservation. Khojane also regularly volunteers for local recycling projects and beach clean-ups.
Gauteng-based Thandolwethu Fani loves nature and is passionate about conserving water and limiting the use of plastic. When she’s not caring for the environment, she is on stage showing off her acting skills.
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As per TshisaLive, the CEO of Wildlife Direct, Dr Paula Kahumbu, said the new National Geographic series is a first in many ways.
“African children and experts presenting the continent’s wealth of biodiversity treasures has never been seen before.”
Our child trail blazers reporting from different parts of Africa bring the continent together to work on solutions to the challenges that threaten our wildlife. The power of the series lies in the voices of African children calling each other to action.”