In order to lead South Africa’s delegation to the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) Ministerial Segment, Minister in the Presidency Mondli Gungubele has travelled to New York on a working visit.
The purpose of South Africa’s participation in the event, according to the Presidency on Friday, is to advance our implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to learn from other developing nations as they present their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on how they are addressing the development agenda.
The framework for achieving a better and more sustainable future for everybody is found in the Sustainable Development Goals.
They address issues including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice as well as other global difficulties.
In order to discuss important topics including energy, biodiversity, food and water security, and climate change, the Minister has taken part in a number of ministerial bilateral meetings.
At a Ministerial Roundtable on “Accelerating attainment of SDGs by 2030: resolving on-going crises and overcoming hurdles,” Gungubele also spoke.
Under the direction of the Economic and Social Council, the HLPF began on Wednesday and is anticipated to end on Monday (ECOSOC).
Building better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the conference’s subject.
This high-level forum on sustainable development’s main goal is to offer political leadership, direction, and advice towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
The forum will also monitor progress, support coherent policies based on science, evidence, and national experiences, as well as deal with new and emerging SDG-related concerns.
The gathering fits in with the monitoring of the SDGs’ “Decade of Implementation,” which runs from 2020 to 2030.
The following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be thoroughly reviewed by the 2022 HLPF in this regard: SDG4 on quality education, SDG5 on gender equality, SDG14 on life below the water, SDG15 on life on land, and SDG17 on partnerships for the goals.
The forum will also consider the many ways that the COVID-19 epidemic has affected each SDG.
The Minister will give the formal speech at the UN International Nelson Mandela Day Commemoration Event because his visit falls during Mandela Month.
The event will take place in the UN General Assembly Hall on Monday, July 18, 2022, at 10:00 (16:00 SA Time) (the event will be broadcast on major news channels).
Gungubele will also speak at other International Mandela Day events, such as the ECOSOC High-Level Segment on “Future-proofing multilateralism for a resilient and inclusive recovery,” the UN Mandela Day 67 Minutes outreach event in Harlem, and the Brand South Africa Mandela Day Event in Times Square to wrap up the visit.