“Saturday Night Live” on NBC has announced the addition of its first openly nonbinary comedian.
According to NBC News, Molly Kearney, an actor and comedian from Cleveland, Ohio, will join the cast of the forthcoming 48th season, which will start on October 1.
They announced their imminent SNL appearance on their Instagram account @meatbrickmolly by writing, “MEATBRICK MOVED TO NEW YORK!!!!
A post by Molly Kearney (@meatbrickmolly) on Twitter.
Recently, Kearney has been on Amazon’s “A League of Their Own,” a women’s baseball show described as “euphorically, unabashedly homosexual.” According to NBC, they also appeared in “The Mighty Ducks” on Disney+ and “Up Next” on Comedy Central.
According to NBC News, Marcello Hernandez, Michael Longfellow, and Devon Walker are also joining the SNL cast.
In the 45th season of SNL, Bowen Yang became the show’s first Asian American full-time cast member.