Recently, disturbing footage has been circulating online showing a young mother laughing as she gives her baby a vape to suck on. The baby can be seen coughing and spluttering while the mother finds the situation amusing. Multiple videos have been uploaded to social media of the baby being forced to inhale from the vape, with the mother laughing in each clip. The footage has caused outrage among online viewers, with many questioning the mother’s parenting style.
In one video, a woman is heard offering the vape to the baby, holding it up to his lips and making him inhale. The baby is visibly distressed and squirming while the mother and her friends laugh at his reaction. Numerous comments have been made on social media condemning the mother’s actions, with many stating that it is disgusting behaviour and that no child deserves to be treated in such a way.
Despite the backlash, the mother took to social media to defend herself, using foul language and insulting those who questioned her parenting style. She claimed that nobody is perfect and that people should look at their own lives before criticising hers. The incident has sparked a debate about parenting and the responsibility that comes with raising a child. Many have called for the mother to be held accountable for her actions and to receive help and support to ensure the safety and well-being of her child.
»Mothers gives vape to her baby in viral video«
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