NATO and African Union exchange views on furthering Counter-Terrorism Cooperation

The first dialogue on counter-terrorism cooperation between NATO and the African Union was held at NATO Headquarters in Brussels (Belgium) on 18 and 19 December 2019. This initiative followed on a Memorandum of Understanding recently signed by the two organizations. It built upon an ongoing cooperation through the African Union’s Centre for the Study and Research of Terrorism and is part of NATO’s Action Plan to enhance the Alliance’s role in the International Community’s fight against terrorism.

NATO and African Union representatives shared views on the potential development of a fully-fledged civilian-military partnership in fighting terrorism for the coming years. Discussions focused on gaining a better understanding of requirements for NATO support to the African Union in the counter-terrorism domain, notably in areas where NATO can bring added value, including defence institutional capacity building and reform of security structures.

The African Union delegation was led by H.E. Larry Gbevlo-Lartey, Special Representative for Counter-Terrorism and Director of the African Centre for the Study and Research of Terrorism. Mr. Gbevlo-Lartey also briefed NATO Allies on the state of play of NATO-African Union cooperation and on prospects for further strengthening ties in counter-terrorism efforts.

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