A guide listing 37 different gender terms and sexual identities has been issued to police officers and staff to help them when dealing with members of the public.
Norfolk Constabulary’s document, ‘The + in LGBT’, explains current terminology alongside a picture of a ‘gender bread person’ – a play on gingerbread man.
Critics called it a ‘complete waste of taxpayers’ money’ last night.
Similarly, a range of gender terms is also listed.
It includes words used in everyday language, such as binary, but also less common terms such as ‘neutrois’, which is when someone ‘identifies as agender, neither male nor female, and/or genderless’, and ‘maverique’, which is used to explain a ‘non-binary gender that exists outside of the orthodox social bounds of gender’.
Force staff who are confused by any of the definitions are directed to the ‘gender bread person’ diagram, which includes a series of sliding scales that relate to gender identity, sexual orientation, gender expression and biological sex.
Norfolk Police declined to say whether it had produced the guide itself or had obtained it from another organisation.
Former Shadow Home Secretary Ann Widdecombe said: ‘This is absolute madness and a complete waste of rate-payers’ money.
Even if the force didn’t produce the guide itself, it has still cost time and money to make it available to staff.’
But human rights activist Peter Tatchell said: ‘It is perfectly valid for the police to list these many different sexual and gender identities, but there should be no mandatory requirement for officers to use these terms, unless a member of the public requests them to do so.’
Norfolk Police said: ‘All officers and staff are required to undertake training around diversity and inclusivity, and additionally information will be circulated or published on the Constabulary’s intranet pages.’