NSW Parliament footage shows Mark Latham and Brad Hazzard cursing each other

A bitter slanging match has broken out between two of the most seasoned politicians in the New South Wales parliament over whether or not one of them was a ‘close contact’ during a Covid outbreak.

On Thursday, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard and NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham, who have a combined 66 years of political experience, exchanged insults while a committee chair floundered.

Mr. Latham questioned Mr. Hazzard at a hearing of the budget estimates committee on Thursday about an incident in June 2021 in which the minister allegedly shook hands with Nationals member Adam Marshall.

Subsequently, Mr. Marshall tested positive for Covid-19.

Mr. Latham asserted on Thursday that Mr. Hazzard had violated Covid’s public health regulations, accusing him of “rule-bending.”

Mr. Hazzard dismissed Mr. Latham’s persistent line of inquiry with a series of personal insults, such as labeling him a “twit,” “mad,” “lie,” and “obsessed.”

Mr. Hazzard begins the video by reading a text message from his phone, which states, “I do not recall Minister Hazzard and I shaking hands,” before calling Mr. Latham “actually quite stupid.”

Because he was the first minister to tell people not to shake hands, he explains, “I wasn’t shaking hands with anyone.”

Then, pointing directly at Mr. Latham, he added, “And I tell you what, I will never shake your hand.”

Mr. Latham retorted, “Nobody is asking you to, but you may answer a few questions: why did you isolate yourself for twenty-four hours?”

Mr. Hazzard interjected, stating, “Because everyone, you cretin, was informed…”

This prompted the first call for order from the hearing chair, Labor member Greg Donnelly, who admonished, “We do not refer to people…”

Mr. Hazzard doubled down, stating, “Well, he is a fool.”

‘Minister! You are more knowledgeable than that, Mr. Donnelly advised.

Mr. Hazzard then explained that he isolated himself because everyone with “any possible, vague contact” was required to do so.

It was managed by doctors, therefore I’m not sure why.

Before taking a second shot at Mr. Latham, he noted that his encounter with Mr. Marshall was soon deemed a “casual contact.”

He stated, “You are just obsessed, you are insane, and you have no place in this legislature.”

Mr. Latham stated that Mr. Marshall had asserted that Mr. Hazzard had “violated your own regulations.”

“Witnesses have confirmed this; David Heffernan was present, Richard Walsh was present, and a number of your current cabinet colleagues were in attendance; they all observed what transpired.”

Mr. Hazzard repeated, “You are an idiot,” adding, “Someone should conduct an investigation into you because there are many things going on that need to be investigated into you.”

Mr. Latham answered, “Go for your life.” However, he posed the following question: “Why haven’t you been truthful in your account of…”

“You are a liar,” Mr. Hazzard interrupted, as Mr. Donnelly unsuccessfully attempted to restore order.

“You are a liar and an obsessive,” continued Mr. Hazzard. “Only your crazed anti-vaccine friends believe you should even exist in this world. ‘The faster you move, the faster…’

You are the one fleeing the building because you are a thief. You are aware of what occurred that night.

‘Order! Order! Order!’

A majority of Twitter users were disappointed by two seasoned politicians arguing in front of a committee. However, perceptions of the scuffle tended to fall along partisan lines.

‘Our tax dollars at work,’ said one.

Another said, “This is a wonderful example of why good, reasonable, progressive, and compassionate people abandon politics.”

Following Mr. Hazzard’s announcement that he will not run for another four-year term in the next state election, the heated argument ensued.

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