Shortly after takeoff, the DA 40 NG (G-CTSB) aircraft stopped and crashed to the ground from a height of roughly 100 to 200 feet.
The pilot was seriously hurt yet managed to survive.
Five canisters of de-icing fluid had been put onto the aircraft notwithstanding the approved training organization’s ban on the transportation of dangerous products and cargo.
The forward movement of the control stick was restricted by one container that was loaded in the front right footwell near the flying controls.
When it took off, the aircraft was almost at the aft centre of gravity and maximum weight limits.
This led to the accident, together with the restricted amount of control power at hand.
The examination also revealed that the accident might have been caused by certain features of the management of the approved training organisation.
The manufacturer most likely misclassified the de-icing fluid as a non-dangerous good and provided false safety information.
Regarding the usage of recording capabilities on digital flight instrument systems, one safety recommendation is provided.