Parliament urges public participation in struggling Lekwa municipality

The Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) of the South African Parliament has requested that sector agencies support the struggling Lekwa Local Municipality in Mpumalanga to provide basic services.
The appeal was made on Thursday, when the committee met with several public stakeholders of the Lekwa Local Municipality to discuss a number of concerns, including service delivery and infrastructure.
After engaging with the stakeholders, the committee determined that there is still much work to be done to stabilize the leadership and administration of the municipality.
“The committee received numerous complaints from people, including the non-delivery of essential services such as water and sanitation, garbage collection, and electricity.”
In addition, the committee heard about the absence of application of bylaws, the dishonest allocation of housing, and municipal employees’ bad service. The committee is concerned about the municipality’s failing road infrastructure, which is littered with potholes.”
The committee will investigate the specific concerns expressed by interested parties, particularly those that influence the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.
“The committee also requests that vital sector departments support the municipality with services such as cleaning, roads, water, and sanitation, as the city is quite filthy.”
During the discussion, it was emphasized that the municipality requires stable and imaginative political and administrative leadership to realize its economic growth and development potential.
After today’s meeting, the committee will submit a report to the National Assembly with its recommendations.
The committee will also continue to carry out its oversight responsibilities by requiring monthly reports on the status of the municipality from the relevant department as well as the Ministers of Finance and COGTA, who are assigned by the Cabinet to the Lekwa Local Municipality.
“Furthermore, the committee will continue to monitor whether the complaints identified by the community are addressed,” the committee said.
Wednesday, the committee was informed that a number of sector departments were eager to assist the municipality. It requires that assistance be offered in coordination with the COGTA department at the center.
“To this goal, the committee will also meet with sector departments to see how they want to assist the municipality.
“Committee members also urged the affected parties to make formal complaints against municipal authorities who are not carrying out their responsibilities. This is one of the ways residents may guarantee that their municipal government is accountable and responsive, according to the committee.

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