Amidst the ongoing defamation trial between former couple American actor Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, a petition on with the topic “Remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2” has surpassed three million signatures.

Amber Heard who is set to reprise the role of Mera in the Aquaman sequel has been on trial alongside her ex-husband Johnny Deep for the past fourteen days, a trial that is expected to last around seven weeks.

All of this is happening after Johnny Depp alleged that Amber Heard lied about being a victim of domestic abuse, implying that he was the abuser in a 2018 Washington Post op-ed about domestic violence.

Johnny Deep in the defamation lawsuit is seeking fifty million dollars for damages, while Amber Heard is countersuing.

According to the creator of the petition Jeanne Larson, “Since Heard’s divorce from Johnny Depp, she has systematically crusaded to ruin Depp in Hollywood, repeating multiple accounts of fake incidents in which she had actually abused Johnny Depp, but lied and created false accounts of him being the abuser.”

The petition continues, “As Amber Heard is a known and proven domestic abuser, Warner Brothers and DC Entertainment should and must remove Heard from their Aquaman 2 film project. They must not ignore the suffering of Heard’s victims, and must not glamorize a domestic abuser. Men are victims of domestic abuse, just like women. This must be recognized, and action must be taken to prevent a known abuser from being celebrated within the entertainment industry. Do the right thing. Remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2.”

It is, however, unclear the impact this petition will make, but sources are saying that the actress’s appearance in the upcoming Aquaman movie which is scheduled for release in March 2023 has been trimmed to less than ten minutes.

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