Police brutality: video shows police officer punching a restrained man in the head in Sussex

disturbing footage emerged yesterday in Eastbourne of a police hitting a man who was being held on a bus.

Two police officers drag a man to the ground while pulling his arms behind his back in the video, which was captured from the top of a double-decker buses stairs.

The man yells out in agony while he is lying face down on the bus floor and tells the officers: “You are hurting my hand; you are breaking my hand.”

A man who was restrained on the floor of a bus in Eastbourne by two police officers, was then punched in the head by one

He says, “You’re hurting my f*****g hand,” multiple times before shouting, “Stop it!” One of the policemen then punches the detained man in the head.

The officer strikes the man and then commands him to stop pinching him.

You just punched me as well, yeah? the man retorted.

Yea, for pinching me, the Sussex Police officer retorted.

The footage captures the officer throwing a punch at the restrained man's headAfter he struck the man the officer said he did so because the man was pinching him

After the footage was posted to social media, Sussex Police acknowledged that they opened an investigation.

Police have not yet confirmed in a statement whether the man was arrested or on what crimes.

According to Sussex Police, “We are aware of this event that the officer has highlighted himself.”

‘We teach our officers to protect themselves and others using justifiable force,’ a spokesman for Sussex Police said. ‘We are assessing this material, together with body worn video collected by the officer of the full interaction, to establish if any further inquiry is required.’

The Sussex Police are asking anyone with more video to get in touch with them at ref. 538 of 16/07/2022.

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