Polytechnic University of Turin is now accepting applications for its TOPOLITO Scholarship | Bachelor and Master of Science programmes

Applications for the TOPOLITO Scholarship, which is available for Bachelor of Science and Master of Science programmes at the Polytechnic University of Turin, are now being accepted from qualified overseas students. The requirements and application process are listed below.

The Polytechnic University of Turin offers the TOPOLITO Scholarship 2022-23 to students seeking to pursue Bachelor of Science and Masters of Science programmes at the university. The scholarship is worth €8,000 each year.

Politecnico di Torino participates in the “TOPOliTO: attracting top students at Politecnico di Torino” project, which aims to recruit high-quality international students for undergraduate and graduate degree programmes at Politecnico di Torino. The presence of a significant number of brilliant international students at the university adds cultural value to the school, the region, and the economy.

Scholarships will be offered to international quota students who meet the application standards and who enrol as full-time students in Bachelor of Science and Masters of Science programmes at Politecnico di Torino for the first time in A.Y. 2022/23.

Polytechnic University of Turin TOPOLITO Scholarship Amount, Number and Duration

Bachelor of Science:

The Gross Amount of the scholarship is 8.000 € per year for the entire duration of the degree program (3 years). The amount after Politecnico taxation for the beneficiary account is 7.373,27 € per year4. The scholarship covers the three years of the Bachelor of Science program for A.Ys. 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25.

The awarding of the scholarship (8.000 €) for the second and third years is subject to the achievement of academic merit requirements.
The project will award 8 scholarships for international quota students at the Bachelor of Science level sitting 2022/23 Politecnico admission test (TIL-Test in Laib) sessions as follows:

  • 4 scholarships for Engineering
  • 1 scholarship for Design and Communication
  • 1 scholarship for Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning
  • 2 scholarships for Architecture

Masters of Science:

The Gross Amount of the scholarship is 8.000 € per year for the 2 years of the program. The amount gross of all charges for the beneficiary is 7.373,27 € per year. The awarding of the scholarship (8.000 €) for the second year is subject to the achievement of academic merit requirements.

The project will award 8 scholarships distributed as follows:

  • 5 scholarships to students enrolled in Engineering field programs;
  • 3 scholarships to students enrolled in Architecture field programs.
    The scholarship covers the two years of the Master of Science program for A.Y.2022/23 and 2023/24.

Polytechnic University of Turin TOPOLITO Scholarship Requirements

Bachelor of Science:

Application is open to international quota students who meet the following requirements:

  • having a Secondary High School Diploma awarded by schools located outside Italy
  • having attended the last year of secondary school in a school outside Italy at the moment they are sitting the admission test
  • attending a study program at a university outside Italy at the moment of sitting the admission test, for no more than two years, and, in all cases, when applicable, the minimum entry requirements to access an Italian university must be fulfilled
  • having been born on or after January 1 st 2001
  • having passed Politecnico TIL (acronyms TIL-I, TIL-P, TIL-D, TIL-A) in one of the available sessions with a score of at least 70/1007 fulfilling access requirements for admission& to Bachelor Degree Programs for a.y.2022/23. http://international.polito.it/admission/prospective students/bachelor_of science
  • enrolling at Politecnico di Torino in the 2022/23 academic year for the first time in a Bachelor of Science program in Engineering, Design and Communication, Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning or Architecture and having paid the first tuition fees instalment at the time of application.

Masters of Science:

Application is open to international students who, in spite of the citizenship, meet the following requirements:

  • have a Bachelor Degree or an equivalent academic qualification in a foreign education system, outside Italy, providing access to a postgraduate degree program. Students with “equivalent academic qualification” are those enrolled in a foreign university in 5 or 6-year i.e. single cycle degree combined Bachelor and Master program who have not graduated yet but meet the minimum requirement of 15 years of global schooling (minimum 3 years at University level) and have acquired at least 180 ECTS credits or equivalent (pre-university or preparatory years are not counted in the achieved credits or years);
  • hold a valid GRE®General Test or GRE®General at home:
    • obtained not earlier than 5 years before the application deadline indicated in this call;
    • successfully passed in all three sections with the following minimum scores:
      • Verbal Reasoning: 156/170
      • Quantitative Reasoning: 157/170 .
      • Analytical Writing: 3,5/6
        In case the GRE test has been taken more than once, the highest score for each section will be considered.
        N.B. GRE Graduate Institution Score Report must be uploaded in the PoliTO online application form AND sent to Politecnico di Torino directly by the ETS examination centre
  • fulfill the access requirements to be admitted to Master Degree Program of Politecnico di Torino (as indicated at the link https://international.polito.it/ admission/prospective students/master of science/2022 23) and have been admitted to a Master Degree program in the A.Y. 2022/23

How to Apply for Polytechnic University of Turin TOPOLITO Scholarship

Bachelor of Science:

Engineering, Design and Communication and Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning and Architecture: students interested in applying for TOPoliTO Scholarships have to submit the application from the date of publication of this call up to August 24th, 2022.

In order to apply, it is necessary to tick the option “I wish to apply to TOPoliTO scholarships to enroll to Bachelor of Science programs in the A.Y. 2022/23” under the “Research and Academic scholarships” section of the Apply@polito platform.


Masters of Science:

Application can be submitted only by students who have been admitted to a Master of Science program of Politecnico di Torino for AY. 2022/236 DEADLINE TO APPLY: from the publication of this call within August 10th 2022

The procedure for applying for the scholarships is:

  • log-in in the online application form (Apply@polito)
  • in the same order as explained below:
    • flag the option “/ wish to apply to TOPoliTO scholarships Master of Science programs AY. 2022/23” under the “Research and Academic scholarships” section
    • complete the fields with GRE General Test score or GRE®General at home under the “GRE” section
    • upload a copy of the “Examinee Score Report” of GRE General Test or GRE®General at home in the “Attachments” section
    • submit the application under the “Save and Submit” section of your application

PLEASE NOTE: GRE Graduate Institution Score Report must be uploaded in the PoliTO online application form AND sent to Politecnico di Torino directly by the ETS examination centre here https://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/scores (select the code 6994) within the application deadline.

In case the GRE Test has already been taken, it iS necessary to add the code 6994 via the ETS website. Politecnico is not responsible for any communication delays by ETS.