President Uhuru Kenyatta calls for quick actions to avert environmental threats

While there has been progress in comprehending the significant environmental concerns over the previous 50 years,

less progress has been achieved in creating and implementing ambitious initiatives to address the challenge,

according to the President.

“This meeting seeks to, therefore, accelerate action to avert the environmental crisis and define a pathway towards

an environmentally sustainable future,” the President said.

President Kenyatta addressed at the inauguration of the ‘Stockholm+50’ international environmental conference in

Stockholm, which he co-chaired with Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.

The inaugural session of the two-day Stockholm+50 summit was also addressed by His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf

of Sweden, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and the President of the 76th session of the United

Nations General Assembly, Abdulla Shahid.

The international environment meeting, which was co-hosted by Kenya and Sweden and commemorated the 50th

anniversary of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, which ushered in a new era

of global cooperation, was held under the theme “a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our


The President, noting that the environment agenda is currently at the forefront of global talks, urged all participants

to take advantage of the Stockholm+50 summit to accelerate the pace and quality of environmental action.

“By the time we go to COP27 (the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference) in November this year, we

should aim to have developed a comprehensive, holistic and transformative package of environmental actions.

He said, “This should be an integrated package that pulls together the outcomes of COP26 held last November, the

5th Session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2) in March, the Stockholm+50 and the upcoming UN Ocean

Conference to be held in Lisbon at the end of June,”

Simultaneously time, he urged development partners to follow through on their pledges to double global climate

finance, particularly for adaptation, in order to allow developing nations to invest in climate-resilient infrastructure

and services.

He stated that increased financial and implementation ambition should be at the heart of environmental promises

and initiatives.

He emphasized Kenya’s efforts to address the threat to the environment, saying his administration has continued to

place a high priority on environmental issues.

“This includes a ban on single-use plastics in 2017 and the acceleration of the generation of renewable energy,

which now accounts for approximately 80 percent of our clean energy,” President Kenyatta said.

The President urged all UNEP member states to develop and implement a legally binding instrument to end plastic

pollution, noting that the UNEA-5.2 meeting in Nairobi earlier this year highlighted the importance of collective

action to address the triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.

Recognizing UNEP’s important position as the world’s leading environmental organization, President Kenyatta told

the audience that the Kenyan government has continued to give strong financial and logistical assistance to the

UNEP global office in Nairobi.

While developed countries were the ones causing the most environmental pollution, the poorest countries were the

ones who were hit the hardest by the devastating effects of environmental degradation, according to Swedish Prime

Minister Andersson in her opening remarks.

In this regard, the Swedish Prime Minister stated, “The transition can only be made in a social and inclusive manner.”

And this isn’t just a choice; it’s a moral imperative. We must all follow through on our promises. We must begin to

follow through on the declarations and commitments we have made. We’ve already discussed the subject. Now is

the time to put your money where your mouth is,” Prime Minister Andersson said. d In the green transition, no

country or person should be left behind.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has appealed to world leaders from all sectors to lead the world out of the

environmental quagmire that is endangering the lives of more than 3 billion people and costing up to 9 million

people their lives each year.

“We need to change course now and end our senseless and suicidal war against nature. We know what to do and

increasingly we have the tools to do it. But we still lack leadership and cooperation. So today I appeal to leaders in

all sectors to lead us out of this mess,” the UN Secretary-General said.

Presidents Mokgweetsi Masisi (Botswana), Azali Assoumani (Comoros), Mohamed al-Menfi (Libya), and Collen

Kelapile (UN Economic and Social Council) were among the other speakers, as was UNEP Executive Director Inger

Andersen, who was also the Stockholm+50 meeting’s Secretary-General.

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