As they consider their vocations and the function of the priest in Catholic theology and spiritual life, priests are asked in a new documentary about the Catholic priesthood what kind of life they should lead.
“I am what I do and I do what I am,” Father Hugh Allan, O.Praem., said in the film. “I am my life as a priest, and I live that life as a priest, and you can’t be anything other.”
“So priesthood is not a 9 to 5 job, where you can finish at the end of the day… it is your whole being,” he said in the documentary “In Persona Christi: The Catholic Priesthood.”
The Latin expression reflecting the Catholic idea that an ordained priest operates “in the person of Christ” serves as the title of the documentary. St. Anthony Communications, based in Wales, created the film.
Several British priests including Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury offer commentary on the film, focusing on the nature of the priestly vocation and the life of a priest.
Davies cited St. John Vianney, who described the priesthood as “the love of the heart of Jesus.”
“It is in the heart of Christ that we will understand the priest, his mission and his total consecration,” he said.
In the movie, commentators trace the Catholic priesthood’s origins from the Old Testament through the ministry of Christ, his sacrifice on the Cross, and his institution of the ministerial priesthood to preach, teach, baptize, and celebrate the Eucharist.
Several priests talk about their vocation stories.
Father Pascal Uche said his own discernment of a vocation began after family difficulties and tragedies in his family life helped him see “the fragility of life” and made him ask questions.
“I guess my heart and my mind sought a place of stability: ‘what doesn’t change? Where will my happiness come from?’ and those questions opened me up to God in a new way,” said Uche.
He said that prayer, the examples of others, and the lives of the saints made him feel “a deeper fire for God” who desired to give him happiness. He could listen anew to a call to the priesthood.
For Fr. Toby Lees, a vocation to the priesthood “didn’t come as a thunderbolt from the sky.”
“I didn’t have a certainty from a young age,” Lees said. “What I had was a growing dissatisfaction with the life I was in. I knew the life I was in, as a lawyer with a lovely girlfriend, wasn’t bad. But I was searching for something more.”
Lees’ encounter with the Dominicans, sisters and friars, led him to see “this joy and these elements of life I was trying to live in my own life.” Prayer, preaching, community and study had been integrated into “one holy way of life.”
“I started to be excited by the possibility of that,” said Lees.
Bishop Davies said every priest will hear the question “why did you want to become a priest?”
“It’s not a simple question to answer. The priesthood is not a personal project… or ambition or career direction,” he said. “It is always something unexpected and wonderful: that a priest has been called from all eternity, with his limitations and weaknesses, to share in the ministerial priesthood of Christ himself.”
A priest is left with “an everlasting feeling of amazement” that he carries with him throughout his life as a result.
In the film, priests talk about things like fatherhood as a priest, celibacy, and the need for “missionary zeal.” The video discusses the nature and theology of the priesthood as well as the role that prayer, the Mass, and devotion to the Virgin Mary play in priests’ daily lives.
“In Persona Christi: The Catholic Priesthood” was released June 15, with a runtime of 52 minutes. It is available for purchase on the video streaming site Vimeo or may be purchased on DVD in the U.K. through St. Anthony Communications.