Pro-life leaders from all across Latin America voiced their happiness as they hailed the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on June 24 to reverse Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in the country 49 years earlier.
Leaders in Latin America hailed the decision as a “miracle” that occurred on the feast day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and was “historic,” “momentous,” “a new legal precedent,” “comparable to the end of slavery,” a “light in the midst of darkness,” and “a new legal precedent.”
South America
In an interview with ACI Prensa, the sister news organization of CNA in Spanish, Sara Larn, head of the VIDA SV Foundation in El Salvador, expressed her thoughts as follows: “We’re overjoyed! It’s the start of the end for abortion worldwide, she declared. It is significant, on par with the abolition of slavery, that this decision effectively ended the use of abortion as a putative constitutional right.
She went on to say that states would now be able to determine whether to forbid or restrict abortion. Additionally, that would have an impact on federal policy choices to stop abortion from being paid as part of cooperative help from the United States to other nations in the region. There is no doubt that Latin America will benefit from the Supreme Court’s ruling.
Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization’s decision “will mark a legal precedent that will be a point of reference for all experts in constitutional law around the world and will serve as a tool for justice for the protection of children’s rights from the moment of conception,” according to Larn.
“Light has appeared in the midst of darkness! In an interview with ACI Prensa, Martha Villafuerte, the national director of Familia Ecuador, claimed, “We have seen a major defeat of a behemoth.
“This couldn’t come at a better time… While many nations have lately seen unconstitutional attacks, unfair laws, and despite everything, today the United States sends us a wake-up call that rouses our convictions more than ever, that strengthens the entire pro-life community in the world,” she said.
In Ecuador, according to Villafuerte, “we couldn’t be happier.”
We recently passed an abortion law that is like a dagger in the heart, but today we received the ideal remedy, giving us hope to stand up, fight harder, and win the victory of life, she remarked.
ConParticipación’s director, Marcial Padilla, termed the decision of the US Supreme Court as a “historic event” that will have a significant “cultural” influence in an interview with ACI Prensa.
“This sends a strong and unmistakable message that the right course based on science and ethics is to acknowledge and protect the woman and her unborn child with equal respect. It serves as a reminder that everyone has the right to life, not to take it.
According to Padilla, this decision sends a loud and clear message to Latin America that “we must engage in the elections for government officials and the nomination of judges who value human life at all times” in order to “correct the trend toward abortion in the laws and courts.”
Rodrigo Iván Cortés, the president of the National Front for the Family, also expressed his happiness to ACI Prensa and said that several U.S. states “would be able to protect life and prevent abortion” as a result of this.
He declared, “Today is a day of tremendous gladness, evidence that human life may be protected by the law.”
Steps for Life’s Mexican director, Pilar Rebollo, stated that her group is “full of hope” to witness “how enduring effort yields results.”
It is possible to change what appears to be set in stone, she said. Because we are fighting for life and the truth, we in Mexico cannot give up because “the truth fell down on it with its own weight.”
The news was received in Colombia “with enormous joy,” according to Jess Magaa, president of United for Life, in an interview with ACI Prensa.
“We extend a heartfelt homage of admiration, respect, and affection to the Supreme Court of the United States. The six courageous justices who helped end this nearly 50-year battle to restore the right to life of unborn children have our unequivocal support, he added.
Because the abortion decisions — C-355 in 2006 and C-051 by our Constitutional Court — have a significant basis in Roe v. Wade, Magaa believes the decision will have a “convincing influence on the entire area and especially on Colombia.”
Now it will be feasible to challenge the law, he added, which has evolved into a “clone and paste” of the 1973 pro-death decision in the United States.
According to Giuliana Caccia, the director of the Origin Association, the overturning of Roe v. Wade means that “human rights will actually begin to be maintained” and that, as a result, “it’s a day that’s a cause for pride and that’s worth rejoicing.”
She added that all those measures that “base their arguments on this verdict” have the “rug pulled out from under them” as a result of the decision.
She claimed that what had transpired today marked the beginning of the end for abortion in both the United States and the rest of the world.
There are no words to adequately communicate the amount of emotion, love, and appreciation, according to Project Rachel director and president Elisa Lanza Sevilla of the Bolivian Platform for Life and Family.
She told ACI Prensa, “As someone who works to defend life, I am delighted to know that pro-life groups are currently celebrating that a judgement that resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent infants for 49 long years has been overturned.”
The “silent slaughter” will come to an end, according to Lanza, who also promised that “the extension of the legalization of abortion throughout the world will be stopped.”
She concluded by expressing gratitude to the “brave judges of the Supreme Court who brought the truth to light and fought for life to the very end, despite risking their own lives.”
According to Silvina Spataro, the head of CitizenGO campaigns in Argentina, “for those of us who protect life and family, this is the most important news in recent times.”
She explained that because it was a landmark decision, “I believe that at this time we cannot completely estimate the significant relevance it has and the extent that this policy will have.”
As president of the United States from 2017 through 2021, Donald Trump played a “major role,” according to Spataro, “because the votes of the three justices he chose were vital.”
She continued, “I also want to highlight the pro-life movement’s continued civic and social engagement, as well as the pressure from citizens that can be applied when we work in an organized way.
Celebrating this outstanding accomplishment, according to Spataro, “needs to strengthen us in order to remain firm in defense of life from conception.”
In conclusion, she said, “We have to keep fighting until it’s unimaginable for a mother to kill her kid in her womb, just as slavery was reversed when it appeared impossible.
The founder and current president of Doctors for Life in Argentina, Dr. Mara José Mancino, also expressed her satisfaction to ACI Prensa and said that her group is “unified, joyful, encouraged, and strengthened.”
“It is definitely a victory! Everyone, regardless of their station in life, contributed everything—their time, their resources, their pains, and their joys—for this day, she continued. It’s not just another day for any pro-life movements, says the statement.
The best present we can receive on the feast days of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. John the Baptist, according to Mancino, is this. It is the best news of the year.