Messages obtained on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop reveal that a professor from the University of Pennsylvania advised his daughter to attend a luxury, all-expenses-paid conference in China because her family name would open doors for her in the nation.
Shortly before the midterm elections, secret documents were discovered at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C., belonging to the university. The Biden White House hid the discovery for months afterward. Some of the records concerned countries where Hunter Biden had business, such as Ukraine.
Frank Plantan Jr., a “lecturer emeritus” at the institution, convinced Naomi Biden that attending China’s Boao Forum, which he referred to as a “Asian Davos,” would be simple.
“My opinion is that it is quite light-hearted, with no lengthy speeches and a conversational tone. Plantan wrote to Naomi in a message obtained on the laptop she shared with Hunter Biden in February 2019: “They will fly you business class and provide all of your accommodations and meals, and they are happy to try and arrange meetings or introductions for you there or in other sectors in China.”
“It shouldn’t surprise you that people are interested in you because of your surname. That is truly the Chinese manner, therefore I would not take offense. (And really, you’re better than that idiot Tiffany Trump),” he continued.
Tiffany Trump and Naomi Biden attended Penn together and graduated in 2016. When Naomi Biden was studying law at Columbia University and her grandfather Joe Biden was preparing for his 2020 presidential campaign, China extended an invitation.
Naomi sent a message to Hunter identifying Plantan as the “head of Penn’s IR department” and requesting his opinion on whether she should go.
Hunter Biden spent years searching for profitable opportunities in China and was feted by some of the country’s most influential businesspeople. A attempt to sell liquefied natural gas to China in 2017/18, which appears to have implicated Joe Biden, has become a top priority for the House Oversight Committee. Rep. James Comer (R-Kentucky), its incoming chairman, has labeled the arrangement “potentially criminal.”
Hunter Biden enthusiastically supported the endeavor.
Yes, he recommended, asking her to request a second ticket for Peter Neal’s partner.
“Do not be timid,” advised Hunter Biden. “I appreciate your professor’s candor, but the event seems beneficial and something you could gain from.”
A month later, the 2019 Boao Forum was held on the resort island of Hainan. Premier Li Keqiang, then the second-most influential man in the country’s ruling Communist party, delivered the keynote address.
Naomi Biden was not present, however. In anticipation of Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy announcement, his team canceled the trip.
“It is with great regret that I write to inform you that I will be unable to attend the Boao Forum,” Naomi Biden said in a note to Plantan, a draft of which she sent to Hunter Biden via email.
“As part of his due diligence, my father [Joe Biden] asked his China experts and advisors to brief him on how the press and Chinese government may perceive my presence,” she continued. “My father has requested that I respectfully inform the Boao Forum that I will not be able to attend after reviewing all the information and consulting with his staff,”
»Professor advises Hunter Biden’s daughter to cash in on the family name in China«