Here’s a great suggestion for New York City: Matt Dorsey, a former police officer and recovering addict, has recently introduced legislation to “remove sanctuary city protections” for any undocumented immigrant involved in fentanyl trafficking.
The legislation proposed by Dorsey would let ‘Frisco police to collaborate with federal immigration officials to deport immigrants convicted of fentanyl trafficking and other serious, violent felonies.
Progressive district attorneys in San Francisco, as well as elsewhere in the country, have sought reduced charges for immigrants who would undoubtedly be deported if convicted of a felony. The New York City Council has even redefined transgressions so that they do not constitute deportable crimes.
In addition, the state’s highest court mandated in 2019 that noncitizens at risk of deportation have jury trials in the city, even for minor offenses, to prevent “collateral consequences” for illegally present criminal defendants.
The outcome is the protection of criminal gang members, large drug traffickers, and even people traffickers. How is this logical?
The city’s sanctuary policy originated as an effort to ensure that individuals whose only offense was illegal presence in the country would continue to help with law enforcement against active criminal threats. It has become a license for dangerous criminals to evade justice.
Ensure that a traffic ticket or even a DUI does not result in the deportation of a longstanding local resident. But stop granting the same protection to criminals, drug kingpins, and other monsters.
»Sanctuary city” should not offer protection to criminal kingpins«