See the woman who showers every 10 days

A person usually feels and looks better after taking a shower or bath.

Hot water and soap are often calming and pleasant for most individuals.

However, one woman’s social media post going viral after she said she barely takes a bath every 10 days but feels better than before.

She believes that taking a bath every day is not necessary for feeling and appearing beautiful.

Her numerous TikTok videos have gained a lot of attention and received diverse responses from app users, who have conflicting opinions regarding her hygiene.

Woman who only takes a bath every 10 days yet thinks she’s gorgeous!

Well, for the majority of individuals, bathing is a form of rehabilitation.

However, for one young lady, taking numerous baths wastes water and is bad for the environment.

Aydan Jane, 23, gained popularity on TikTok for her opinions on taking showers and baths, but she isn’t changing her mind.

Aydan may be seen dancing joyfully in one of her most popular videos, and the post’s caption reads:

“I am living proof that you don’t have to bathe often to look and feel good.”

In another video, she can be seen getting ready for the shower and writing in the caption that this is her first shower in 12 days.

TikTokers are disgusted and perplexed.

Many TikTokers have expressed distaste over her various videos as they questioned her hygiene.

I’m not trying to be nasty, but what’s the point of going so long without taking a shower? one user asked.

Others, though, questioned if she also avoided bathing when she was menstruating.

However, Dr. Julie Russak, a dermatologist with a private practise in Manhattan, is quoted by IOL as saying that going longer than one or two days without a shower can cause skin damage.

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