Since April, ABC’s national security producer hasn’t been seen

In April, James Gordon Meek abruptly quit from his position at ABC and has not been seen by coworkers since.

James Gordon Meek abruptly resigned from his job at ABC in April and hasn't been seen by colleagues since

Since April, when the FBI inexplicably raided his flat in Virginia while he was probing Biden’s botched evacuation of US soldiers from Afghanistan, an ABC News investigative producer has not been seen by coworkers.

James Gordon Meek, 52, left his Arlington, Virginia, home following the raid and has not been seen by neighbors since.

The raid was first reported by Rolling Stone on Wednesday morning, including information from people close to the inquiry that Meek was suspected of possessing secret data.

Approximately at the same time, he left his job at ABC.Since April, ABC’s national security producer hasn’t been seen

A network source informed on Wednesday morning, “He departed extremely abruptly and has not worked for us for months.”

He also resigned from an upcoming book he was authoring with retired Green Beret Lt. Col. Scott Mann about Biden’s withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

In August, just Lt. Col. Mann was credited as the author of the book.Meek had also been investigating the chaotic withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan

He claimed on Wednesday that Meek approached him in a “distraught” manner, wanting to be pulled from the project without providing a reason.

James phoned me in the spring and was really sad, explaining that he needed to resign from the project due to major personal concerns.

As a war veteran who has experienced that type of stress — I don’t know what it was — I complied with his request.

“He left, and I kept working on the project by myself. Since then, I have not seen or spoken with him,’ he claimed.

Meek resided at the Siena Apartments in Arlington, Virginia. There has been no sighting of him there for months.

Additionally, Meek has been researching the disorderly evacuation of troops from Afghanistan.

Meek’s final tweet on April 27, the morning of the raid, was about how the United States was assisting Ukraine in its struggle with Russia.

On April 27, FBI investigators raided his Siena Apartments complex unit.Meek's final tweet on April 27, the morning of the raid, was about how the US was helping Ukraine in the war against Russia

Before the raid, he tweeted about how the United States assisted Ukraine in its struggle against Russia. On Twitter, he was among a group of journalists discussing the topic.

It was previously described as follows: “In April, ABC News correspondent James Gordon Meek received an urgent call from an overseas Special Forces operator.”

Now, his name is absent from the book’s advertising copy.

Instead, the summary reads: “In April, a Special Forces operator deployed abroad placed an urgent call.”

Additionally, Meek had produced a video about a separate US military mission in Niger, which he claimed exposed a cover-up.

Brian Epstein, another producer who collaborated with him on the program, abruptly departed the network.

Meek’s counsel has stated that he is unaware of the charges that he was holding confidential papers and does not know why his home was raided.

Mr. Meek is ignorant of the anonymous sources’ assertions regarding his possession of secret documents.

“If such records exist, as claimed, it would be within the scope of his long career as an investigative journalist reporting government misconduct,” his counsel added.

The FBI, which as a matter of policy refuses to comment on any of its methods or investigations, has not indicated what precipitated the raid.

The Virginia Department of Justice has also not provided an explanation.

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