…Researched and contributed by Solomon Thomas.
Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has revealed that Dr Nandipha Magudumana was found in possession of two passports that belong to Mmereka Patience Martha Ntshani, also known as Dr Pashy.
Motsoaledi provided this information during a briefing on Friday, 14 April, regarding his department’s aspects on the Thabo Bester and Dr Nandipha Magudumana saga.
Magudumana’s first passport was issued in 2007 and expired in 2017. Her second passport, which is still valid, was issued in 2017 and set to expire in 2027.
She used the passport once when she travelled to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and returned on 12 May 2022 via the OR Tambo in Johannesburg.
When she was arrested in Tanzania, she was carrying the same valid passport and two others that belong to Dr Pashy.
The Minister revealed that Dr Pashy applied for a new passport when the first one had not expired, and this is not illegal.
Dr Pashy deposed an affidavit with the SAPS in 2019 and declared that her passport was stolen.
She came to Home Affairs with the affidavit, and a new passport was issued.
It is the same passport that was found on Magudumana’s possession when she was arrested.
Motsoaledi said people who have applied for citizenship say it is impossible to send someone on your behalf, and you need to come in person.
The recent announcement revealed that Dr Nandipha Magudumana was found with two passports belonging to Dr Pashy.
This revelation comes after the briefing on aspects relating to the Home Affairs department on the Thabo Bester and Dr Nandipha Magudumana saga.
One of the passports had expired in July 2022, while the second passport was issued in July 2019 and will expire in 2029.
Magudumana had used one of her passports to travel to Zimbabwe, but the second passport was never used to cross any border.
Dr Pashy applied for a new passport when the first one had not expired, and this is not illegal.
It is uncertain why Magudumana was carrying the expired passport as it is of no use and cannot be used to cross any border.
The Minister’s statement about the citizenship application process being impossible to send someone on your behalf, and that you need to be present in person, is crucial.
It further brings to light the alleged fraudulent activities that have been taking place under the guise of citizenship application processes.
The revelation that Dr Pashy applied for a new passport while the old one was still valid will undoubtedly raise eyebrows and could lead to further investigations into the activities surrounding the Thabo Bester and Dr Nandipha Magudumana saga.