Student Jeni Larmour, 18, died hours after being dropped to college in Newcastle

An inquest heard that a brilliant A* student with a “electric personality” was killed by ketamine and alcohol within hours of beginning her new life at university.

¿Model pupil¿ Jeni Larmour, 18, died in her student halls within hours of being dropped off for her first night at university in Newcastle in October 2020
Jeni Larmour, age 18, was an accomplished student and classical vocalist who was set to pursue a degree in planning and design at a prestigious university. Her former headmaster referred to her as a “model child.”

However, the adolescent ingested a lethal dose of the anesthetic medicine in combination with alcohol on her first night in her student apartment at Newcastle University.

Kavir Kalliecharan, pictured, pleaded guilty to possessing MDMA, ketamine and cannabis at Newcastle University's Park View Student Village on the day in question. He was handed a conditional discharge for two years and was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £21 victim surcharge
Jeni Larmour, age 18, died within hours after being dropped off for her first night at university in Newcastle, England, in October 2020.

Police think that Miss Larmour, from Newtonhamilton, County Armagh, used the class B narcotic ketamine prior to her death on October 3.

Student Jeni Larmour, 18, died hours after being dropped to college in Newcastle
In November 2020, an inquest into Ms. Larmour’s death was postponed until the conclusion of a criminal probe into the incident.

By the time paramedics discovered Jeni’s body at 5 a.m. on October 3, 2020, it was evident that she was dead.

Dr. Nigel Cooper, a pathologist from the Home Office, stated during the inquest in Newcastle that Jeni’s blood alcohol level was 2.5 times the legal driving limit and she had 1.3 milligrams of ketamine per litre of blood.

A toxicologist determined that the ketamine level was “below the range of levels that would generally cause death” and that the woman’s alcohol consumption would have led to “moderate intoxication in an ordinary social drinker.”

However, the combination of these substances was sufficient to murder a seventeen-year-old with the world at her feet, the court heard.

According to Dr. Cooper, death was caused by the mix of ketamine and alcohol.

He continued, “The most crucial factor is how accustomed a person is to a substance like ketamine; it would have a stronger effect on someone who is not accustomed to its effects.”

Although Jeni was discovered at 5 a.m., the inquest heard that another student had discovered her lifeless at 10 p.m. the night before.

Dr. Cooper stated at the court, “The paramedics appear to have been absolutely certain that she was dead; if they detect any sign of life, they would typically attempt resuscitation.”

The presence of hypostasis discoloration suggests that she had been deceased for some hours when she was discovered about 5 a.m.

Jeni, a native of Newtonhamilton, County Armagh, was a great student at the Royal School Armagh, a prominent grammar school she desired to join since she was nine years old.

Despite her youth, her mother Sandra stated at the hearing that Jeni was accomplished and well-traveled.

She became vice principal of the school and was so excellent as a vocalist that she could have made it her career. Jeni was also a senior army cadet and participated in a Tall Ships race around Britain.

She attended Trinity School, London, where she earned an advanced diploma in classical singing, which is typically awarded to individuals who wish to make it a career.

In 2019, she sang a solo from the opera Carmen in French at Armagh Cathedral, and in the same year, she went on a school trip to New Delhi, which she paid for via her own philanthropic work, which included an abseil.

The city’s squalor prompted her to select planning and architecture as her major, and Newcastle University accepted her application.

Mrs. Larmour stated at the hearing, “Jeni’s bag was constantly filled, and I am pleased that she had such a rich life experience in her brief years.

She undertook arduous jobs that others would have avoided, but she approached them with vigor, speed, and effectiveness.

She was a talented singer and actor, and many deemed her suitable for the Londeon stage.

“She was grounded and practical, and she worked part-time in the local shop in the community closest to us. Jeni had a charismatic personality.

Mrs. Larmour cried as she described the tragic impact her death had on her family.

She said, choking back cries, “She had an action-packed existence yet was an unpretentious girl with many skills.” She was unperturbed by her circumstances.

“Her death has created a gap that will never be filled, and it was a tremendous and incomprehensible loss for me, her father, David, her brother Daniel, and her extended family.”

I also believe that she was a tremendous loss to Newcastle University and the planning and architectural community, which she would have joined.

Kavir Kalliecharan (19), of Coleridge Close, Leeds, was present at the court and was prosecuted, getting a conditional release for his participation in the incident. At the hearing, he is represented by Richard Wright, KC.

Mr. Kalliecharan said before Newcastle magistrates court that Jeni supplied the medicines that he and his companion ingested.

The court was informed that Mr. Kalliecharan became unwell and passed out. When he turned around, he discovered her on the floor and performed CPR before raising the alarm.

In April, Kalliecharan’s court hearing was postponed for eight weeks as the CPS reviewed the’severity of the charges’ against him.

When the matter resumed in June, Kalliecharan pled guilty to possessing MDMA, ketamine, and cannabis at the Park View Student Village at Newcastle University on the relevant day.

The narcotics allegations against Mr. Kalliecharan were resolved with a two-year conditional discharge, £85 in court costs, and a £21 victim surcharge.

The proceedings resume.

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