Sutton Harbour lock gate renovations are rescheduled from mid-September 2022 to April 2023

Following comments from engagement meetings, necessary work to repair the Sutton Harbour lock gates, slated for mid-September 2022 to April 2023, will be delayed.

Sutton Harbour requires upkeep and repairs, which will require divers to work underwater.
Source of the image: Sutton Harbour Group

The Environment Agency, Sutton Harbour Group, and harbour users came to the conclusion that the scheduled £3 million in maintenance work was necessary to replace worn underwater lock gate cills and other important maintenance components during meetings in July and August.

Many insightful remarks emerged from the conversations, including the necessity of deferring the work in order to allow for additional debate concerning effect mitigation strategies.

The Environment Agency and Sutton Harbour Group concur with the comments made and appreciate the interest that has been shown in this project from everyone.

No new date has been established, but the construction will start in 2023. With working groups presently being established to represent the fishing fleet and berth holders, further participation is now anticipated.

These groups will give the project the chance to get input on the best times to complete the necessary work and any additional alternative arrangements.

Additional input gleaned from the previous meetings will also be taken into account. In due course, a schedule for the working sessions and a new date for the previously scheduled stakeholder meetings will be made public.

To ensure that the underwater locks can continue to lower flood risks and deliver commercial and amenity benefits to Plymouth, maintenance work comprises repairing worn underwater lock gate cills.

The renovations must be finished by April 2024 in order to preserve the integrity of the harbour, lower the danger of additional damage from postponing the repairs, and offer vital flood protection. Funding for the repairs has been allocated.

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