Taylor & Francis, the Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBCDSAI) at IIT Madras, and INDIAai collaborated to present the online event. The need for inclusion and diversity in AI and new technologies was debated by academia and industry.
A review of AI and new technologies is required to promote inclusivity and diversity, according to leading voices from research, academia, and industry today.
The Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBCDSAI) at IIT Madras and INDIAai (The National AI Portal of India) collaborated with Taylor & Francis Group to host this insight session on “Inclusivity and Diversity in AI and Emerging Technologies.”
The session focused on the significance of including individuals from various backgrounds in AI, biases present in AI systems, and steps taken to improve data accuracy and transparency. For AI and emerging technologies, inclusivity and diversity are essential.
The session’s speakers included Dr. Himanshu Sinha, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras; Dr. Sriparna Saha, Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Technology, Patna; Jibu Elias, Content and Research Lead at INDIAai; Malika Malik, AI Practitioner; and Amith Vijayakumar, Manager, Insights & Analytics, Taylor & Francis G.
The goal of the session was to foster a thorough discussion on developing knowledge and capacity within “This discussion on the value of a diverse and inclusive ecosystem for artificial intelligence in academia and industry was facilitated by Taylor & Francis Group, who is happy to have done so.
To maximize researchers’ contributions and the effect of their work, it is part of our purpose to support and connect the work of varied knowledge providers. Our partners deserve our gratitude.
AI researcher issues are being addressed by the Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at IIT Madras and other renowned specialists “said Nitasha Devasar, Vice President & Commercial Lead, India, South Asia & Africa and Managing Director, Taylor & Francis India.
“IIT Madras is devoted to diversity and inclusivity. The Institute has been chosen as a pilot institution for the initiative “Gender Advancement by Transforming Institutions (GATI),” which aims to provide a framework for gender equality.
We are supporting training programs at the Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBCDSAI) that specifically encourage women to work in data science and AI.
Additionally, we work with SuperBloom Studios to improve the portrayal of women in STEMM on Wikipedia and on social media “said Associate Professor Dr. Himanshu Sinha from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
In the following session of this partnership series with RBCDSAI, titled “How does AI Impact our Everyday Lives,” a panel will address the effects of artificial intelligence on our daily lives in a variety of contexts, including healthcare, agriculture, and other fields.
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A brief description of the Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence The Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBCDSAI) uses data science to provide insights to help decision-makers in the engineering, financial, and healthcare sectors make judgments that are actionable, trustworthy, and significant.
With the largest network analytics, deep reinforcement learning, and the busiest deep learning and natural language processing groups in India, they are one of the premier interdisciplinary research institutions for Data Science and AI.