Teen girl killed by shark attack in Washington state

In Western Australia, a teenager sadly perished after being mauled by a shark.The teen is believed to have bitten on the leg while in the Swan River by a traffic bridge in North Fremantle

The adolescent is reported to have been bitten on the leg while swimming in the Swan River near a North Fremantle bridge.

WA Police reported receiving a 9-1-1 call around 3.30 p.m., prompting the arrival of emergency personnel.

Initially, it was stated that she was struggling for her life, however she has now passed away.

A witness stated that the teen and her pals were rope-swinging from the traffic bridge at the time of the incident.WA Police said they received a triple zero call about 3.30pm and emergency services rushed to the sceneWA Police said they received a triple zero call about 3.30pm and emergency services rushed to the scene

The girl jumped off the rope swing, when a bull shark grabbed her and her boyfriend attempted to help her escape. And she died on the beach,’ reported a boy to The West Australian.

The adolescent is reported to have been bitten on the leg while swimming in the Swan River near a North Fremantle bridge.

WA Police reported receiving a triple zero call at 3.30 p.m. and dispatching emergency services to the scene.She was initially reported to be fighting for her life but has since passed away

Initially, it was stated that she was struggling for her life, however she has now passed away.

The species of shark involved in the attack was unknown.

Initial reports to WA Police suggested that the victim may have been hurt by a boat propeller.

Saturday afternoon, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development said that they were investigating an allegation of a “possible shark bite.”

The DPIRD is collaborating with local governments, and additional information will be released as it becomes available, according to a spokesperson.

»Teen girl killed by shark attack in Washington state«

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