After being allowed to handle the weapon, a ‘ten-year-old boy’ detonates an RPG at a Ukrainian amusement park, injuring 15 people and causing panic among families who feared a Russian invasion.
A video captures a woman’s response to the explosion of an RPG behind her in Chernihiv.
A child injured three after firing an anti-tank weapon on display at the exhibition.
Two individuals were detained on suspicion of committing a crime.
This is the moment terror hit a fairground in Ukraine after children were allowed to play with weapons of war.
A video from the public channel Suspilne depicts the ensuing panic in Chernihiv as residents fled in fear of a Russian invasion.
However, it was not a new attack by Vladimir Putin’s army. In actuality, local children were permitted to wield a lethal rocket-propelled grenade launcher, with catastrophic results.
According to reports, a ten-year-old boy pulled the trigger, leaving him and his 12-year-old brother in need of immediate medical attention.
The anti-tank launcher, an exhibit at the show, detonated, injuring three people.
A female interviewee is depicted responding as an RPG detonates in the backdrop, before fleeing the scene of the explosion with the mob in pursuit.
As a result of children in Chernihiv being permitted to play with weapons, a horrible explosion occurs on the fairground. A female interviewee is portrayed responding as an RPG detonates in the background, before she flees from the camera and dozens flee the carnival.
The images depict the aftermath of a Ukrainian fair when three people were hurt when a child discharged an anti-tank rocket that was on display.
In Chernihiv, a Ukrainian officer gathers evidence. Local children had been allowed to handle a deadly rocket-propelled grenade launcher with devastating consequences
Moments after the explosion, attendees fled the venue with their loved ones and belongings, anticipating a Russian invasion.
The footage depicts the serene fairground moments before an explosion disrupted the picture.
Tetyana Lebedeva, the interim general director of the children’s regional hospital, stated that another two-year-old was in intensive care with’serious’ facial shrapnel wounds and that three other children were injured. Four adults suffered injuries.
The Ukrainian National Bureau of Investigation is investigating the disturbing incident.
Officials in Chernihiv, which was encircled by Russian soldiers but was not captured during the war, rejected authorization for the weapons of war fair.
Three children were injured, according to a spokesperson. A two-year-old kid in particular is in critical condition. All of them are provided with all necessary qualified medical assistance.’
Two individuals directly involved in the terrible occurrence in Chernihiv were arrested on suspicion of committing a crime, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
“One who gave the order to bring the combat weapon to a public city event, and another who permitted the child to take possession of the weapon”
A person who appears to have been hurt in the explosion is filmed seeking medical care.
The RGP, together with live ammunition, was on display at the fair, when a ten-year-old fired it and injured himself and several others.
The Ukrainian president stated that two people were arrested on suspicion of committing a crime, one for carrying the weapon to the fair and another for giving it to the child.