Amy Rees will follow Dr. Jo Farrar, who will concentrate on her larger job as Second Permanent Secretary at the MOJ, including the digital transformation of justice systems.
Dr. Jo Farrar was formerly the Director General of Probation, Wales and Youth at HMPPS.
Phil Copple will take on the role of Director General of Operations for Prisons and Probation under the new organisational structure, which follows an operating model review led by MOJ Permanent Secretary Antonia Romeo.
Both positions will start on September 1, 2022, and they are a part of a larger, continuing agency reform that will put more of an emphasis on providing front-line services like maintaining public safety and building contemporary prisons that provide inmates rehabilitation and reduce recidivism.
Prior to being named Governor at HMP Brixton in 2008, Amy served in frontline roles at a number of prisons, including HMP Lewes, High Down, and Bristol. Amy joined HMPPS in 2001.
Since then, she has served as the Executive Director for HMPPS in Wales and as the MOJ’s point of contact with the Welsh Government.
Amy also assumed management of the Youth Care Service, overseeing daily operations and assisting in the organization’s efforts to influence the direction of future services for children in custody.
Since entering as a prison officer in 1990, Phil has worked for the jail system for more than 30 years. As the NE Director of Offender Management, he oversaw prisons and probation in the North East area, including HMP Deerbolt and HMP Frankland.
Phil began his employment in 2017 as the Executive Director of Prisons. In 2019, he was appointed Director General of Prisons.