The Queen approves the nomination of The Reverend Prebendary James Grier to the Suffragan See of Plymouth, in the Diocese of Exeter

The Right Reverend Nicholas McKinnel will be succeeded by The Reverend Prebendary James Grier, Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral and Diocesan Mission Enabler, in the Diocese of Exeter after his retirement. The nomination has received the Queen’s approval.


James received his education at St. Peter’s College in Oxford and his ministry preparation at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford. He was ordained as a Priest in 1999 and performed his duties at St. Andrew’s, Oxford.

In the Diocese of Birmingham, James served as Associate Vicar at St. John the Baptist in Harborne Heath starting in 2002. In addition to being the Diocesan Youth Advisor, he was named Team Vicar of St. Michael and All Angels in Pinhoe in the Diocese of Exeter in 2007. He founded Unlimited Church in his capacity as youth advisor; in 2012, it became a Bishop’s Mission Order.

James started working as the diocesan mission enabler in 2019. Since 2020, he has also held the position of prebendary at Exeter Cathedral.

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