The Seattle Fire Department’s Fire Alarm Center received 911 calls about heavy smoke and flames coming from the top two floors of a three-story vacant apartment building on the 2200 block of 2nd Ave. at 4:05 a.m. When crews arrived on the scene, they confirmed the initial reports and informed dispatch that all of the windows and doors on the first floor of the building had been boarded up.
Firefighters forced their way into the building to pour water on the source of the fire and conduct a primary search.
They quickly realised, however, that the fire on the top floor had spread into a void space between the ceiling and attic that connected adjacent units. Furthermore, high heat and heavy smoke indicated that the ceiling was in danger of collapsing, so all crews were evacuated as a precaution.
The incident commander upgraded the response to a 2-alarm fire at 4:15 a.m. to request additional resources. Firefighters took a defensive posture, pouring water on the fire from a safe distance around the building. Soon after, flames erupted through the roof, prompting fire trucks to raise their aerial ladders and pour water onto the roof.
Crews were able to bring the fire under control and begin demobilising by 5:44 a.m.
Though a few units remained on the scene for several hours to monitor for flare-ups and to assist Seattle’s Department of Construction and Inspections in assessing the building’s structural integrity.
The fire has been put out, and no injuries have been reported. The incident is being investigated, and the building’s loss was not estimated because it was scheduled for demolition.