The winning graphic for the 2025 Jubilee Year was released on Tuesday by the Vatican’s in-charge of evangelization.
At a press conference on June 28, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, pro-prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, unveiled the logo and discussed the preparations for the Catholic Church’s upcoming holy year.
In the Catholic Church, a jubilee is a Holy Year of grace and pilgrimage that normally happens once every 25 years. The 2025 Jubilee’s motto is “Pilgrims of Hope” or, in Latin, “Peregrinantes in Spem.”

According to Fisichella, 294 entries from 48 different nations were submitted for the logo contest. The participants’ ages ranged from six to 83.
The drawings were actually drawn by youngsters from all across the world, and the archbishop remarked that looking at them was incredibly moving. They were the result of their imaginations and basic faith.
Pope Francis was shown the shortlist of three projects before selecting the logo created by Italian Giacomo Travisani.
The logo was described as “four stylised figures to signify all of humanity from the four corners of the planet” in a press statement from the Vatican.
They are all hugging one another, symbolizing the fraternity and togetherness that all peoples must share. The first figure is grasping the cross, it should be emphasized. The rough waves below show that life’s journey is not always undertaken on calm waters.
“Personal circumstances and global events frequently necessitate a larger feeling of hope. Because of this, the lower portion of the cross has grown longer and has transformed into an anchor that controls the motion of the waves.
As is common knowledge, the anchor has frequently served as a symbol of hope,” it noted.
Bishops’ conferences and Catholic organizations are free to use the emblem for pastoral purposes, according to Fisichella, but commercial usage is banned by a copyright upheld and administered by the Dicastery for Evangelization.
After the summer, according to Fisichella, the official website for the 2025 Jubilee Year will go live.
The last Great Jubilee of the Catholic Church took place in 2000 under the theme “Christ Yesterday, Today, Forever.”
Pope Francis requested a special Jubilee and a Holy Year of Mercy in 2015.
The year prior to the Jubilee, 2024, will be devoted to prayer in preparation for the Holy Year, according to Archbishop Fisichella, while 2023 will be concentrated on spreading the key documents of the Second Vatican Council.
The Church will be able to once again benefit from the profound and timely teaching produced by Vatican II, whose 60th anniversary will be observed on October 11, the evangelization chief said. “The year 2023 will be devoted to revisiting the fundamental topics of the four Council Constitutions,” he added.
Because of this, he continued, “a number of approachable resources, written in enticing language, are being produced to pique the interest of those who have no memory of the event and to aid them in entering into the essence of the Council in order to discover the creative longing that enabled the Church to consciously enter the third millennium of its history.”