Since Eskom’s previous tariff increase, electricity costs have skyrocketed; therefore, we inquired as to which appliances in your home consume the most energy. So that you don’t waste any more money on your electricity bill, we consulted the professionals at Renewable Energy World.
Image: Fixr.
Sure, we’ve discussed the most energy-consuming gadgets and the stealthy electrical drain of keeping goods plugged in on standby, but which room in your house is the worst offender? The expert at created the above infographic to help us visualize where all that energy goes in a typical home.
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Every day (barring loadshedding) we require electricity, however there are ways to significantly reduce the load on the grid. The purpose of this essay is to educate the reader on the energy requirements of a home and the most wasteful electrical equipment. We’ve included a percentage breakdown of this utilization down below.
The problem with your electricity is what? A picture from Adobe’s iStockphoto.
The cost of keeping your home warm accounts for 31.3 percent of your annual energy bill. Heaters, as you can see, are quite inefficient. Now that you know this, you may work on ways to cut back on your energy consumption. Lack of insulation is a leading source of heat loss in homes. Put money into improved insulation if your home is always freezing.
GEYSERS, PART II: 13.6%The geyser is the second-biggest consumer of electricity in the average home, at 13.6%. If you want to cut back on energy use, finding an efficient alternative (such as more strategic timing or lower temperatures) should be your top goal. A tankless geyser, heated by the sun or gas, is one option. Solar power is the most cost-effective renewable energy option provided it is installed properly.
Thirdly, COOLING – 10.7%
It’s good news because air conditioning a home uses a lot less power in the summer than it does in the winter. Nonetheless, it is still the third biggest electrical drainer. Reduce heat loss in the same way as more insulation would. Close up any openings you can to keep the air conditioning in and the hot summer air out. If you can afford it, you should upgrade to a brand-new air conditioner because they are 98% efficient.
A 4% cut for FRIDGES
Even though it runs constantly, your refrigerator only accounts about 4% of your home’s total energy consumption. To reduce energy use, one must choose a newer, more efficient refrigerator. Before making a purchase, make sure to check the required energy rating.
5. LAUNDRY SET – 3.2%
Miele South Africa (picture).
It’s true that your electric washer and dryer are eating up your electricity, but not nearly to the extent that you may think. If you can afford it, try upgrading to the most energy-efficient model. Even if it’s wet, you should still dry your clothes by hanging them outside or on an indoor drying rack.
Although 2.8% is a relatively tiny percentage, the amount of energy it accounts for is not trivial. You can save money here by using energy-efficient light bulbs and turning off lights when they’re not in use.
Also, check out these global fuel price averages to see how South Africa stacks up.
As for the remainder of your house, we have compiled a detailed LIST of the energy used by your various electronic home entertainment equipment, including your computer, desktop, TV, gaming systems, and so on.
How do you feel about these numbers? What adjustments have you made to your home’s electricity usage if any? Use the space below to tell the rest of us what you think.