A guy from Texas pled guilty in Georgia’s Northern District today to making threats against multiple Georgia politicians online after the 2020 election.
Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice stated, “This case marks another destructive example of threats of violence to the election community and law enforcement.” As stated by the Department, “The Department will not tolerate the criminal targeting of the men and women responsible for administering our elections and ensuring that every eligible voter has the opportunity to exercise the most fundamental right in our democracy: the right to vote.”
Court records show that on or around January 5, 2021, 55-year-old Leander resident Chad Christopher Stark advertised on Craigslist that “Georgia Patriots it’s time to kill [Official A] the Chinese agent – $10,000.” The text read, “It’s time to put a bullet in the treasonous Chinese [Official A].” Then we get to [Official B], the corrupt state and federal judges. It is our patriotic obligation as Americans to restore our nation by all means necessary, including the violent overthrow of its current rulers. We must wipe out these enemies of our country if we ever want to reclaim it.
A single patriotic deer hunter armed with a weapon and some camouflage gear would send a strong statement to these crooked state officials. milita up Georgia, it’s time to pour blood…. we also need to pay a visit to [Official C] and her loved ones in order to place a bullet between her ears. Keep in mind that your local law enforcement will track out any sworn traitors and compensate their families for a visit. This includes your parents, siblings, children, and spouse. Death to you and all your communist buddies; we will make examples of traitors to our country.
Free and fair elections in the United States depend on the efforts of countless individuals, including many seniors, who volunteer their time and energy at polling places and election offices across the country. U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia Ryan K. Buchanan said, “They serve out of a patriotic duty and appreciation for our nation, and they deserve to do so without fear of retaliation or threats of violence.” Stark made threats toward election authorities at all levels, from elected officials to a volunteer poll worker.
The heinous actions he committed endangered our democracy by striking at its very core, which is normally safe from outside interference. To protect individuals who are tasked with ensuring the integrity of our elections, our office will continue to cooperate closely with federal, state, and local authorities.
According to Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division, “today’s guilty plea plainly shows that anyone who threatens election officials online will be investigated by the FBI and held accountable for their words.”
To quote the report: “We must take calls to violence seriously, whatever their form, especially when they have the potential to result in physical harm and undermine the integrity of U.S. elections.”
Stark entered a guilty plea today on a charge of making a threat by telephone. He might spend up to two years in jail if convicted. The date of sentence has not been determined. The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory criteria will be taken into account by the federal district court judge who will decide on a sentence.
The Atlanta Field Office of the FBI is currently looking into the situation.
Criminal Division Public Integrity Section Director of Enforcement and Litigation for Election Crimes Branch Sean F. Mulryne and Northern District of Georgia Senior Litigation Counsel Brent A. Gray are leading the prosecution.
The Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force is looking into this matter. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland announced the creation of the task force in June 2021, and since then, Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco has been at the helm of the Department’s efforts to combat threats of violence against election workers and guarantee that all election workers (whether elected, appointed, or volunteer) are safe while performing their duties. The task force works with the election community and state and local law enforcement to investigate and prosecute allegations and reports of threats against election workers, in conjunction with FBI Field Offices and U.S. Attorney’s Offices across the country. Two years after its inception, the task force is still working on this and providing help to local U.S. Attorney’s Offices and FBI Field Offices across the country.
The Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division is in charge of the task force under the direction of Deputy Attorney General James Monaco. Other divisions and bureaus of the Department of Justice, such as the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, the Civil Rights Division, the National Security Division, and the FBI, are also involved. Read the memo from the Deputy Attorney General for more details on the Department of Justice’s endeavor to prevent violence at polling places.
Call your local FBI office and ask to speak with the Election Crimes Coordinator if you want to report threats or violent activities. Visit www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/ for complete details on how to get in touch with any of the FBI’s local branches. You can also visit www.tips.fbi.gov or call 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324).
The task force will go through the filed complaints and either investigate them or direct the appropriate parties to respond to them. Call the police or 911 immediately if you believe someone is in urgent danger.