To entice high-value investors, a new visa category called Active Investor Plus is being established

To entice high-value investors, a new visa category called Active Investor Plus is being established.

The current Investor 1 and Investor 2 visa categories will be replaced by the new visa.

A minimum $5 million investment is required as part of the eligibility requirements, which also encourage greater economic benefit to New Zealand companies by capping passive investing in listed equities at 50% and excluding bonds and real estate.

Visa applications will begin on September 19, 2022.

Changes to New Zealand’s investor visa settings will be introduced as part of the government’s Immigration Rebalance policy in order to draw experienced, high-value investors who will create growth possibilities for domestic enterprises.

Ministers of Immigration Michael Wood and Economic and Regional Development Stuart Nash made the announcement today.

“New Zealand is home to a huge number of amazing companies that are succeeding on the international market.

According to Stuart Nash, “Our Government wants to help these companies develop into even more well-known worldwide brands, and modernising the requirements for investor visas is a crucial component of our plan to draw in high-value investors.

“This is a component of our Immigration Rebalance plan, which seeks to entice highly talented immigrants and is consistent with our objective to create a more productive, competitive, and sustainable economy.

The new immigration policies will draw in active, high-value immigrants who will contribute their global skills to support the expansion of New Zealand enterprises, creating more jobs locally and having a positive impact on the economy.

The new Active Investor Plus visa will take the place of the previous investment visa categories, which despite being successful in bringing in a sizable amount of money over the past ten years—over $12 billion—often led to passive investment in shares and bonds as opposed to direct investment in New Zealand businesses, which meant a missed opportunity to bring in more active investors who can actually benefit our economy over the long term.

As opposed to passive investment, active investment creates more high-skilled jobs and economic growth in New Zealand, thus we want to promote it.

In order to assist Kiwi companies grow more quickly and intelligently, this new visa category will also make use of the skills, networks, and expertise of migrants who will bring their access to international networks and markets.

Overall, both New Zealand and immigrant investors benefit from the visa modifications.

Kiwi firms acquire vital skills, contacts, and funding, while investors get the chance to invest in smart, inventive New Zealand companies that have the potential to be successful on a global scale.

According to Stuart Nash, this will boost New Zealand’s competitiveness in the global market and advance our companies.

According to Michael Wood, “the new visa category will aid in luring investors who intend to stay in New Zealand for the long term, bringing their skills and experience to boost our productivity and competitiveness, aiding our transition to a high wage, productive economy.”

“Applicants will be eligible for the new visa with a $5 million minimum investment and obtain the highest rating, which is a smaller minimum amount than those who chose more indirect investments. This is in addition to meeting other requirements.

For indirect investments, a minimum of $15 million will be needed.

By allowing investors to make contributions over a three-year period and maintain those assets through the end of a fourth year, we are also increasing their freedom.

Over the course of the four-year investment term, investors must stay in New Zealand for a minimum of 117 days, or around one month per year.

This period has been extended from the previous category’s 88 days in order to make sure that investors actively engage with local businesses to aid in their expansion.

“Being in New Zealand will offer them additional chances to participate in the companies they’ve invested in, further allowing them to share their knowledge and connections.

Additionally, being here raises the chance of additional active investment.

The adjustments put us on par with Australia, which has a comparable investor migrant environment, Michael Wood said.

On September 19, 2022, the new Active Investor Plus visa will become available.

After July 27, 2022, applications for the Investor 1 and Investor 2 visas will no longer be considered.

Immigration New Zealand will continue to process all of the applications that are currently pending.

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