Willow on Disney+ is situated in the same bizarre and whimsical universe as the 1988 film. Mudmanders were introduced in Episode 7, “Beyond the Shattered Sea.” The group commandeers a carriage drawn by a slug-like Mudmander in order to flee the Gales and cross the Shattered Sea. Graydon’s relationship with the Mudmander is unparalleled (Tony Revolori). The prince takes care of the creature and states at one point, “I shall name you Kenneth, after the protagonist of the romantic farce I am writing.”
According to Willow actor Tony Revolori, he was equally captivated by Kenneth as Graydon. The charming Mudmander was produced utilizing the same traditional puppetry techniques that brought life to the original film.
“Kenneth was staffed by a four- or five-person team,” Revolori explained. “You know, it was literally there on set with me, and I worked with all of them on various emotions. And it sort of reminded me of old-school Hollywood filmmaking, in the Jim Henson way, which was really fantastic. And I am very privileged to have been able to accomplish that.”
And indeed, I fell in love with Kenneth just like Graydon did.
Graydon’s characterization of the Mudmander as “Kenneth” is one of Willow’s many lovely and amusing one-liners. Revolori disclosed to Decider that he had not only improvised the line, but that it was one of his favorites due to a cheeky backstory he had constructed about the “romantic farce” Graydon was composing…
“As for this romantic comedy… “It’s humorous,” Revolori stated. “We did around twenty takes with very different explanations for why I named him Kenneth. However, that was the one they chose, and I’m glad they did.”
“I began deciding what it would be, and I believe it would be a story about Graydon’s own life, but in a Fifty Shades of Grey style, because I believe that would be extremely hilarious.”
This revelation caused co-star Ellie Bamber to perform a double take after she had been quietly listening to Revolori gush about Kenneth. “Wait. What?”
“I believe that’s what he’s always writing in his little notebook,” Revolori informed Bamber with glee. Graydon is constantly writing in a small notebook.
Bamber stuttered, “That evens the score…”
“Creepier, yes I am aware. I believe he is a writer of smut.”
“What? “He just does it in front of everyone while they’re all like, “Oh, okay.” Bamber imitated inappropriate sounds. “Because he uses his notepad frequently. Sitting around the campfire, everyone is relaxed, and you say, “Mmmmm.”
Revolori stated, “It’s funny,” before admitting, “I don’t think [showrunner] Jon Kasdan would approve.”
Perhaps the Graydon fans might create this racy scenario as fan fiction for fun. Perhaps we will discover who Kenneth’s Elora is.