Isla Bryson, a transgender individual formerly known as Adam Graham, has been sentenced to eight years in jail after being found guilty of raping two women. The 31-year-old met both victims online and committed the offenses while still identifying as a man. The case sparked controversy when Bryson was initially placed in an all-female prison, leading to an urgent review by Scotland’s Justice Secretary and a decision by the Scottish Prison Service to halt the movement of all transgender prisoners with a history of violence against women into the female estate.
During the trial, the court heard that Bryson preyed on vulnerable women and was going through the breakdown of a brief and unhappy marriage at the time of the first rape in 2016. The victim, who Bryson had been staying with, said she repeatedly said “no” while being raped for half an hour. The second victim said Bryson continued to have sex with her after she said stop, and entered her with “her penis,” ignoring her requests to stop. Bryson claimed both women had consented to sex.
The judge described Bryson’s crimes as considerable and stated that a significant sentence was inevitable. Bryson identified as transgender at the age of four but only made the decision to transition at 29. Currently taking hormones and seeking surgery to complete gender reassignment, Bryson will serve time in a male prison.
»Trans is sentenced to eight years in jail for raping two women«
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