…Researched and contributed by Jack Sylva.
A Canadian transgender woman, Angellica Good, who calls herself a “real-life Barbie,” has undergone extensive plastic surgery to achieve the body of her dreams.

The 23-year-old is a porn star and OnlyFans model with over 100,000 followers online.
She has undergone lip fillers, cheek fillers, Barbie rhinoplasty in Turkey, injections in her bum and hips, and full feminisation surgery that included hairline lowering, full brow bone shaving, brow lift, lip lift, jaw, and chin shave.

She also had expandable breast implants filled to 750CC, and she plans to replace them with regular breast implants and go to 1000CC. She also wants to make her butt a little bigger.
Angellica explained that she has always been obsessed with feminine and pink things, and the hyper-feminine, bimbo Barbie doll look, as well as anime girls, girls in pervy anime with big boobs and butts, Princess Peach from Mario, and Tinkerbell.
She said that she always knew she wanted a particular look and that she never felt like herself as a boy.

At 20, she decided not to hide anymore and transitioned into a Barbie girl.
Angellica’s family has been supportive of her decision, and her mom was nervous about her going to Turkey and having facial feminisation surgery all the way in Texas.
Angellica believes that these procedures have made her feel more comfortable in her skin, and she loves what she sees in the mirror.
She also makes a living off of OnlyFans, where she started an account in the hopes of making extra money on the side.
While Angellica has received trolling online from strangers who do not approve of her lifestyle, she says that she does not let it phase her.
She reminded people to be kind and that everyone is different.