Two men are charged for shooting flying potato at E-scooter rider

Two individuals have been prosecuted in connection with the bizarre incident, which resulted in the surgical removal of a scooter rider’s eye after it was struck by a flying potato.

On May 20, the 28-year-old alleged victim was traveling with a buddy along Perth’s West Coast Drive on a rented scooter.

A gang of individuals in a passing car are accused of firing potatoes at the two when they got close to Mettams Pool.

One of the males was struck, resulting in damaged bones in his arm and facial injuries. He had to have his eye surgically removed because the damage was so bad.

Mirrabooka police conducted a thorough investigation into the claimed occurrence before charging two Ballajura males, ages 19 and 20, with the related offenses.

Police believe the assault was premeditated, according to Midland District Inspector Brett Baddock, although it was not directed at a specific person.

He said that it seemed the perpetrators felt it would be amusing to use potatoes as missiles to hit tourists who were just minding their own business and enjoying our beach strip.

This ‘fun’ that was supposedly had ended in tragedy, with the sufferer losing an eye.

The allegations that are the outcome of this investigation have extremely significant repercussions, according to “Mirrabooka Detectives,” who aggressively followed this case.

Detectives wouldn’t let up until “they had discovered all those responsible,” he stressed.

Police tracked and found the two young guys they believe to be guilty using number plates, mobile phone data, and CCTV video.

The two were accused of causing great bodily injury and acting in a way that put other people’s lives, health, or safety in jeopardy.

The second man was also accused of three counts of assault, while one of the guys was also accused of having a weapon.

On Friday, both men will testify before Perth Magistrates Court on the assault.

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