UK bans Demi Lovato album posters for being unpleasant

»UK bans Demi Lovato album posters for being unpleasant«

The album poster for Demi Lovato was removed from British billboards because the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) determined that it was likely to cause “serious offense” to Christians.

The raunchy, bondage-like poster advertising the singer’s new album “Holy Fvck” in the United Kingdom began to appear in London last summer.

It did not take long for advertising officials to become aware of the content and take steps to remove the posters.

The “Cool For The Summer” hitmaker is seen on the billboard wearing a bondage attire while laying on a cross. The album title accompanies the sizzling snap.

In its official judgement, the ASA decided that the poster’s sexualization of religion is likely to offend Christian viewers.

The ASA said that “Holy Fvck” was also likely to insult certain individuals.

They characterized Lovato in the image as “bound in a bondage-style outfit while lying on a crucifix-shaped mattress in a position resembling Christ on the cross with her legs bound to one side.”

The advertising regulator said that “mentioning Holy Fvck” was likely to be interpreted as tying sexuality to the sacred emblem of the crucifix and the crucifixion and “was likely to cause grave offense to Christians.”

The ASA noted, “We therefore concluded that the advertisement violated the Code.”

Polydor Records, Lovato’s record label, defended the ad, stating that it does not contain any objectionable connotations.

ASA’s statement indicates that the label had approval for the poster prior to its publication.

In addition, it informed the ASA that the posters were only shown for four days and were swiftly taken down on August 23.

The ASA has advised Polydor Records not to display the poster again.

“We instructed Universal Music Operations to ensure that their advertisements in the future do not cause serious or widespread offense,” their statement continued.

»UK bans Demi Lovato album posters for being unpleasant«

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