According to a Telegram group that claims to have connections to Vladimir Putin’s bodyguards, the Russian president allegedly soiled himself while still battling illness and fell down stairs at his official house.
The 70-year-old Russian president, whose health has obviously deteriorated since he began his war in Ukraine, is said to have fallen on Wednesday night while descending some steps, according to the channel General SVR.
Putin tumbled down five stairs, landed on his coccyx, turned over, and then fell two more steps. Due to “gastrointestinal tract cancer,” the sudden impact forced him to “involuntarily defecate,” according to the station.
Since the beginning of the conflict, General SVR has released updates regarding Putin’s health, but it hasn’t offered any verification of its assertions or shown that it has contacts to his guards.
Putin “stumbled and fell on his back, following which he collapsed on his side and slipped down a few stairs,” according to the channel’s most recent report.
The event happened in front of the president’s bodyguards, who moved swiftly and sprang to Putin’s defense.
“Three security personnel assisted the president in locating the closest couch and phoned the on-call medical staff at the mansion.”
The medical personnel “arrived within a few minutes,” according to the station, “but could not immediately evaluate the president.”
The fall produced a “involuntary defecation” since he had “gastrointestinal tract cancer, as a consequence of which he already faces major issues with digesting.”
The physicians accompanied the president to the restroom before the checkup and assisted with cleanup.
The report stated: “A bruise of the coccyx and soft tissues was found after a thorough examination.
“Nothing serious was found, and medications were used to treat the bruises.”
An inquiry into what caused the “fall” will be conducted.
Even at home, he wears special shoes with anti-slip coating, and the stairs in the house are regarded as being “safe.”
All measures are useless when nerves are on the line, it turns out.
Since Putin gave the order to send soldiers over the Ukrainian border on February 24, there has been much speculation about his health.
In encounters with other international leaders, he has shown odd fidgeting with his hands and feet and has seemed unstable during public appearances.
Alexander Lukashenko, the dictator of Belarus, was spotted shaking his hand before a meeting with him early in the conflict, which may have been a symptom of Parkinson’s disease.
His apparent limp in his walk has also raised questions.
Oliver Stone, a filmmaker who had extensive access to Putin for a 2017 documentary, has also publicly said that he believed Putin had cancer but overcame it.
A Russian billionaire, whom New Lines magazine claimed to have a tape of, was heard suggesting Putin was “sick with blood cancer” around the same time.
A Russian investigative website named Proekt claimed to have documentation showing only one month before that Putin travels with a sizable medical staff.
They included a resuscitation expert, a trauma expert who treated serious injuries, and a cancer expert.
»Vladimir Putin soils himself after falling at home«