Veterinary Medicines Directorate appreciates customers for their contribution towards the success of the customer satisfaction survey report.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out our recent independent customer satisfaction survey. We appreciate your taking the time to complete the survey and provide feedback on our performance. We value your comments because it allows us to continue to develop.
This study was conducted on our behalf by Mo Gannon and Associates Ltd, an independent marketing consultancy and market research firm specializing in the agricultural and veterinary industries in the UK and globally.
The quantitative questionnaire phase of the survey was completed in November 2021, and the qualitative phase was completed at the beginning of 2022.
There were 88 replies, with 86 percent indicating that overall satisfaction was the same or had increased from the previous poll.
We have finally received the complete results, which are summarized in the presentation deck attached. We’ll be analyzing this input in the coming months to determine what more changes may be made, as well as ensuring that we maintain the high standards shown in the results.