Watch as a pair encounters a rare huge squid while diving off the coast of Japan

This is the astonishing moment when a couple discovered an unique big squid while scuba diving in west Japan.

Seeing a giant squid in the wild is extremely rare with only a few sightings being reported. Most of the time they are witnessed dead and washed up on beaches
The squid was longer than 2.5 meters, and video footage shows divers getting incredibly near to it.

Yosuke Tanaka, 41, and his wife Miki, 34, were on a day trip off the coast of Toyooka City when a fishing equipment salesperson informed them of sightings of the elusive beast.

The two went with local guides and were astounded when the big beast emerged after only thirty minutes of searching.The size of the squid that Tanaka and Miki found was quite small (2.5 meters) compared to the length of a full size giant squid which can be up to 13 meters long

Observing a gigantic squid in the wild is extremely uncommon, with only a handful of sightings confirmed. They are typically observed dead and washed up on beaches.

The squid that Tanaka and Miki discovered was fairly little (2.5 meters) compared to a full-grown giant squid, which can reach up to 13 meters in length.

It is uncommon for such enormous squids to arrive so near to the coast, according to marine experts, yet Yosuke’s underwater video film reveals that the pink squid appeared indifferent to the divers.

The usual habitat of the giant squid is deep underwater where no light can be seen. They are found in every ocean on our planet

The sheer size of the squid’s eyes prompted Tanaka to consider how dangerous this species is and how it may use its enormous tentacles to capture a whale, one of its primary predators.

I observed its tentacles writhing. I believed it would be risky to be violently seized and abducted by them,’ he claimed.

The video depicts a lethargic squid with loose skin hanging from its body, indicating that the squid was feeble.The squid appeared sluggish and slow with skin hanging from its torso. The two divers were able to get so close with fear of harm

The gigantic squid’s natural environment is deep underwater, where no light can be seen. They are present in every ocean on Earth.

The squid appeared sluggish and languid, with its body skin hanging loosely. The two divers were able to approach thus closely without danger.

I observed its tentacles writhing. Tinaka explained, “I believed it would be risky to be violently apprehended and spirited away by them.”

We swam and took pictures together. I was overjoyed to have the squid within reach, but its eyes were enormous. It was so enormous that I began to feel frightened. Miki told journalists.

Tsunemi Kubodera, an honorary researcher at the National Museum of Nature and Science, stated that it is uncommon for a deep-sea giant squid to swim along the coast.

Despite the fact that gigantic squid are known to inhabit the waters of Japan and occasionally wash up on the shore, it is incredibly uncommon to observe them alive in the wild because their normal habitat is deep underwater.

According to the researcher, it is a mature, medium-sized squid that is between one and two years old.

Tinaka stated that the experience would stay with him forever.

It was quite excited. I believe nothing is rarer than this,’ he stated. According to what I’ve heard, little is known about this monster. I would be pleased if this helped us to learn more.Watch as a pair encounters a rare huge squid while diving off the coast of Japan.

»Watch as a pair encounters a rare huge squid while diving off the coast of Japan«

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