Why hasn’t Dior dropped Johnny Depp as the face of Sauvage Elixir?

Despite the fact that Johnny Depp’s lawsuit against ex-wife Amber Heard has closed some doors in Hollywood, particularly those of Disney companies, his image appears to be improving.

Support from the public
At least, that’s what a number of comments on social media suggest, as admirers have offered their support for the 58-year-old actor.

Christian Dior, for one, has decided to continue its commercial campaign for its Sauvage Elixir cologne, in which Depp is the image that entices buyers to purchase it, and the technique has proven successful.

The scent has been so well received that it is currently sold out in both the United Kingdom and the United States.

The American actor’s relationship with the French company is summarized in seven years of successful agreements that have strengthened the image of both parties.

The Mail on Sunday quotes a source close to the actor as saying that he is contemplating extending the relationship with his sponsor.

“In fact, sales are up and Dior has no plans to quit. Many fans are going out to buy the new cologne to show their support,” he says.

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