Have you ever been told you’re unsuitable for marriage? I am aware that I have done so several times. Typically from a person who disapproves of my excessive lifestyle.
One of my great aunts frequently reminds me, “Keep dating all those men, Jana, and you’ll get a reputation.”
Take a deep dive into my direct messages, and you’ll discover a number of angry men shouting about how I’m pushing women to be promiscuous and how I’ll end up with nothing but a few cats and horrible STIs.
First off, I adore cats, and secondly, thank goodness for condoms. Always use safe sexual practices, people.
Therefore, I am delighted to say that science has come to the rescue. The number of sexual partners you’ve had has little to no bearing on your suitability for marriage.
People who question Jana Hocking’s sexual behavior claim that she is not “marriage material.”
Instagram/Jana Hocking
Seriously, don’t just take my word for it; scientific researchers at the Universities of Utah and Oklahoma reviewed data on approximately 9000 persons who disclosed their sexual history over a period of 18 years to get this conclusion.
They discovered that the recent number of sexual partners was connected with a decrease in the likelihood of marriage, but this effect lasted just one year, indicating that the relationship is ephemeral.
Which is fantastic news for those of us who have been single for a considerable amount of time.
A study reveals that “women with several sex partners are equally as likely to marry as virgins, albeit somewhat later.”
Instagram/Jana Hocking
I’ve maintained a list of my sexual partners, and I recall the day it crossed ten.
Oh my goodness, I thought as I added another “Harry” to the list. I anticipated being married by the time I reached this age. Undoubtedly, that has always been in the back of my mind, but not enough to prevent me from enjoying myself.
And don’t get me wrong, my list isn’t very long, but it’s sufficient to qualify me as a person with a strong libido.
“Although heterosexual women have historically been stigmatized for having casual sex, our studies indicate that this does not materialize in long-term singleness,” the study continued. Women who have had several sexual partners are just as likely to marry as virgins, albeit somewhat later.”
Consequently, the question arises as to why slightly promiscuous ladies marry later than virginal individuals.
The scientists discovered a number of explanations for this, including the fact that women are becoming more financially independent and less enthralled by the concept of a monogamous marriage. Oh I got it! Getting strong indications that this study was based on me.
Like many of my friends, I enjoy the notion of being married, but am I in a hurry to go down the aisle? Nope! And the numbers don’t lie: weddings in 2021 were down a staggering 21.7% compared to 2019, excluding the lockdown period. Wow.
The scientists concluded their research with the following statement: “In either case, it is a temporary effect. A man or woman who continues to have several sexual partners as a young adult does not jeopardize his or her future marital prospects.”
Take me to the church, as this woman is getting married. Eventually. In the likely distant future. Immediately after I have a few more hay rolls.
»Why there is no such thing as ‘too many’ sexual partners, according to Jana Hocking«