Sarah Godlewski, the state’s treasurer, withdrew from the Democratic U.S. Senate primary on Friday, paving the way for Mandela Barnes, the lieutenant governor, to secure the nomination on August 9.
The party will nominate Barnes to challenge Republican Senator Ron Johnson, who has been a key target for Democrats this year.
With Godlewski’s withdrawal, Barnes has received the support of three prominent Democratic candidates in the past week. Tom Nelson, the county executive, and Alex Lasry, a Milwaukee Bucks official, withdrew earlier this week.
On the primary ballot, each of their names will still be listed.
Millions of dollars from Lasry and Godlewski’s own funds were invested in their campaigns. According to the most recent campaign finance filings, Godlewski contributed at least $4 million to her campaign while Lasry spent more than $15 million of his own. Lasry, who is still actively involved in the election on television, started airing an advertisement on Friday that supports Barnes and disparages Johnson for remarks he made regarding outsourced jobs.
“This campaign may be over, but our fight isn’t. The only way to beat Ron Johnson, re-elect Tony Evers, and make sure Democrats win down the ticket is if we’re in this together,” Godlewski said in her announcement.
Barnes congratulated Godlewski and added, “[W]e are in a stronger position than we have ever been to beat Ron Johnson once and for all,” in a statement following the withdrawal of his most recent primary opponent to support him.
“This week has demonstrated what it looks like when we come together for a goal that is greater than ourselves. We are building a coalition that crosses generations, crosses racial divides and political divides,” he added. “That’s how we beat Scott Walker in 2018 with the highest midterm turnout on record. By bringing everyone together from every corner of the state.”
Godlewski’s withdrawal from the race, according to Johnson’s tweet, demonstrates “their disregard for the will of the people and the democratic process,” and “the power brokers of the Democrat party have now paved the way for their most radical left candidate.”
A radical left Wisconsin senator is not the answer, according to Johnson, who said that socialist ideas are to blame for the current situation.