Woman kicks police officer’s crotch

A court has heard that a nude lady who was discovered wandering through the woods kicked a policeman in the testicles as he attempted to cover her with his jacket.

PC Kieran Moran was left in pain when 52-year-old Andrea Wymer attacked him after being detained by him and his team.

PC Moran, who was with a female colleague at the time of the incident just before the afternoon school run, lent Wymer their unformed coat in an effort to “preserve her dignity.”

But when they detained her, she resisted and kicked out, hitting the male cop in the crotch.

Later tests revealed that PC Moran’s pants still had dirt from Wymers’ bare feet in the crotch.

Wymer, who is from Huyton, close to Liverpool, was reportedly having a “medical episode” at the time of the offense.

She pleaded to assaulting a medical professional and was sentenced to pay PC Moran £100 in damages at Sefton Magistrates’ Court.

Naked woman, 52, kicked a police officer in the crotch after he tried to 'cover her modesty'

Officers responded to complaints of a naked lady in the Knowsley neighborhood of Merseyside at approximately 2.45 pm on June 2 of last year, according to prosecutor Michael O’Kane.

Mr. O’Kane said that the defendant, a 52-year-old streaker, “dismissed” a female colleague of PC Moran’s offer of a jacket to conceal her.

According to Mr. O’Kane, the cops stopped her and informed her that she would be jailed. ‘ She then grew enraged and resisted the police’ efforts to hold her back. A camera that was worn on the body captured the event.

She seemed to tumble back as the cops were grabbing hold of the defendant. She then kicked out and made contact with the officer’s crotch region.

The officer acknowledges in his statement that he had considerable discomfort after being kicked in the crotch. His pants were filthy around the crotch from the defendant’s unclean foot. She had been strolling barefoot in a forest.

The defendant used her foot in reference to the rules. However, there is a notion that considering the episode the defendant was going through at the time, there may be a reduced degree of guilt.

Wymer has never been convicted before. A mental health treatment program would address the “underlying concerns” that she had “never received help with previously,” according to her attorney Joseph Bleasedale.

“Since then, she has visited a psychiatrist and is currently receiving medication for that,” he said. Today, she came across as competent and approachable.

Wymer was given a 12-month community order with 20 days of community service and a six-month need for mental health treatment by District Judge James Hatton. In addition, she was given a £50 fine and a £95 victim fee to pay.

Judge Hatton said, “You pled guilty on the first time and you have no prior convictions.” I acknowledge that you were undoubtedly battling with something, but the officer did not deserve to be physically attacked in the manner in which he was.

Judge Hatton cautioned Wymer that if she disobeys the probation service’s instructions, she risked being brought back into court.

»Woman kicks police officer’s crotch«

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